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That night Izuku was able to get a full nights sleep. Maybe it was because he knew he had training the next morning. Maybe it was because he couldn't bring along his work. Most likely the second one. That doesn't matter though as he was now full rested and ready.
All of the students of both class 1A and 1B woke up early that morning. Just looking at most of them it was easy to tell that they weren't used to getting up so early at all. One of they few who wasn't like this was Izuku. Getting up early and training is something that he has been doing for quite awhile now.
Before training began both class 1A and 1B were split up. Each homeroom teacher took there class. When Aizawa had the students he began to explain the whole purpose to there training at camp. They needed to become better heroes fast. Do to the crazy year that they had they have lost valuable time in training. They managed to gain experience from all of it but not much else.
To prove this Aizawa gave Bakugou the same ball that they used to measure there throwing distance. He then told Bakugou to throw it which he did. The distance Bakugou got was barley any farther then what he had the first time.

Aizawa: see this is what I mean. While you have gained experience from this year you haven't gained much else. That's what we're going to fix. One of the reasons for this camp is to strengthen your quirks. Now let's get started.

With that the training began. For everyone there training revolved around using and pushing there quirks to do more. Even though he doesn't have a quirk of his own Izuku's training was similar to there's. Instead of pushing his quirk to do more though he pushed his body. During Izuku's training he focused on getting faster, stronger, and more agile.
As he was training he began to get watched. It was Aizawa who was the one that was watching him. Not seeing any problem with it Izuku continued his training. Aizawa had been watching all the students as they trained. Now he's watching him. This is what Izuku thought, that is until Aizawa made his way over to Izuku.

Aizawa: Midoriya.

Izuku: yes Mr.Aizawa?

Aizawa: here.

Aizawa handed a book to Izuku. It was a wide book with a relatively good thickness to it. The books cover was black in color.

Izuku: what's this?

Aizawa: something to help you. That book is about the techniques of interrogation used by different forms of law enforcement. When I was in school principal Nezu gave it to me and now I'm giving it to you. I believe that the information in that book will help you.

Izuku: thank you sir.

Aizawa: don't thank me all I'm doing is helping you improve just like everybody else and now that you got the book get back to work.

Izuku: yes sir.

With that Izuku went back to his training. Everyone in both Class 1A and 1B spent the entire day working on strengthening their quirks. The day would eventually come to an end with each and everyone of them exhausted.
Now it was dinner time though and just like Pixie-Bob said they would have to make there own food today. At first it didn't go so well for some of the students. But by working together they were able to make dinner for themselves. They all sat down together and began to eat. While eating, out of the corner of his eye Izuku saw Kota.
Kota was making his way into the woods. Judging by the direction he was going Izuku believed he might be heading to the cliffs overlooking the forest. Seeing this Izuku saw an opportunity to talk to the boy. So with that in mind Izuku got up from the table.

Ochako: where are you going?

Izuku: there's something I have to take care of right now.

Izuku grabbed a plate, filled it with food and took off into the woods. Following Kota's trail he eventually came to a cliff side. When he arrived Izuku saw Kota standing by the cliff side looking out over the forest.

Izuku: you might fall if you're not careful.

Kota jumped at little when he heard Izuku's voice. Kota really didn't expect anyone to find him all the way out here. But knowing someone had just made him angry.

Kota: what are you doing here?

Izuku: I noticed that you didn't eat so I brought you some food.

Kota: oh......well I don't want any.

Izuku then walks closer to Kota and puts the plate down near him.

Izuku: how about I just leave it right here just in case you change your mind.

After that it was silent. Neither one said anything to the other. But the longer it stayed silent the more frustrated Kota seemed to get. Finally he had enough and spoke again.

Kota: what are you still doing here?

Izuku: I'm here to help you.

Kota: what the hell are you talking about I don't need help from you.

Izuku: you say that, you may even believe that, but you do need my help.

Kota: and what would I need your help with?

Izuku: the darkness that's inside you. It's eating you up and if you don't find away to deal with it then it will destroy you.

Kota: what would you know about any darkness I have!?!

Izuku: I know the type of darkness you have Kota because I have that same darkness as well. When I was young I watched as my father was shot and killed by a villain. I learned that you know what that feels like.

Kota didn't say anything.

Izuku: I want to help you get rid of that darkness Kota.

Kota: like you did?

Izuku: I never got rid of the darkness Kota. No instead I turned it into a weapon. But I don't want you to do that. That's why I want to help you. Now you have to decide if you'll except that help.

With that Izuku left to head back to camp leaving Kota deep in thought on what he should do.

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