Ch 10

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The teachers and heroes arrived at the usj In time and were able to round up all the villains that were left. Once all that was done the got the students together to make sure they were safe. As they did a head count, to there horror one student was missing.

Nemuri: were is Midoriya?

Jiro: Ms.Midnight, Izuku ran off after a villain that appeared while we were heading back to the entrance of the building.

Eijirou: he took off after him like, no pun intended, a bat out of hell. It was like he new the guy or something.

Nezu: which way did they run off to?

Eijirou: it looks like the took off towards the back of the building.

Nezu: most likely the villain took off to the back exit of the building with Midoriya following behind him. Hound Dog, go and see if you can track him down.

HD: right.

With that Hound Dog quickly took off towards the back exit of the building were Nezu said the probably went. Once he got there he saw that the back door was cracked open and he could smell his students scent. But was worried because it also smelled of blood. With out wasting any more time he started tracking Midoriya.
While all this was happening though Izuku began to wake up from his hit from the joker. As he was waking he remembered what he was doing and began to look around for the man who killed his father. But to he dismay he could see that he got away.

Izuku: damn it. 10 years, 10 long years of training and pushing myself. Then when I finally find him, then what. He slips through my fingers again. Damn it.

Izuku then punches the ground in anger. Put when he does a sharp pain hits him. He then hold his side with the gun shot wound.

Izuku: not again, I won't let him get away again. I'll train harder then ever before and finally take him down. But I can't do that if I die out here.

Izuku slowly struggles to stand up but eventually makes it. He then braces him self on a tree for support.

Izuku: I need to get back to the others first so I can get medical attention.

Izuku then proceeded to slowly make his way back to the usj. The hole time he was walking he could feel that he was losing blood fast. He had to eventually stop and take care of the blood loss because if he didn't he knew he wouldn't make it back. When Izuku stopped to look at the wound he realized he was kind of lucky.

Izuku: it looks like the bullet went all the way through. Good, at least I don't need to worry about removing it. I can focus instead on just stopping the bleeding.

Izuku started to gather twigs and branches that fell on the ground. He then piled them together and started to make a fire. It took a little bit but he got a small one going. After that Izuku placed a batarang on the fire with half of it sticking out. Once the batarang was hot enough, Izuku took the batarang and used it to cauterize the bullet whole.

Izuku: rrrrrrrr. This was a stupid plan. But it seemed to have worked.

After that Izuku continued to make his way back to the usj. He eventually saw to tree lining and new he was close. As he made his way out of the woods he saw a figure coming towards him, but before he could see who it was the fatigue and lose of blood count up with him and he started to blackout.

Hound Dog POV

HD: it looks like the scent is leading towards the woods.

As Hound Dog begins to pick up his pace he notices a figure in the tree line coming his way. After he notices the figure he smells a familiar scent from him. As the figure comes into view he is relieved to see that it's Midoriya. But then he quickly notices that his hurt and rushes to him. As he does he sees Izuku begin to collapse and fall. Before he hits the ground though Hound Dog manages to catch him and pick him up.

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