Ch 64

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Knuckle Duster looked at the suit in the cabinet. It was a nice suit, very well made. However he just couldn't figure out how this suit was supposed to help Izuku.

Iwao: don't get me wrong it's nice and all but exactly how is this supposed to help you?

Izuku: it's not surprising that you don't understand as in terms of technology it's not very flashy. However this suit is extremely advanced for its time.

Iwao: how so?

Izuku: well for starters this suit increases the wearer's strength by around 5%.

Iwao: that's not very impressive really. There are plenty of hero support suits that give more strength to the person in them.

Izuku: you're right but you must also remember that this is a prototype. Also those suits are always bulky as well. There made for strength and strength alone but with this suit it adds strength with no draw back on speed or agility.

Iwao: not being restricted by the suit is useful but those suits also protect their wearer. That's why there so bulky.

Izuku: this one does as well.

Iwao: uh Izuku this suit is made of cloth.

Izuku: yes but this cloth is different. It may look like normal black cloth but it's stronger then kevlar. It's able to withstand massive concussive forces, fire, water, lasers.........

Iwao: this thin peace of cloth can do all that!?!

Knuckle Duster was shocked at just how much the suit could withstand.

Izuku: yes.

Iwao: this is incredible. There are full on metal suits that can't even withstand that much.

Izuku: well there is still a limit to what this suit can take at the moment but as I improve it the suits capability's will also improve.

Iwao: I can't imagine that it'll improve by much given where it is now.

Izuku: what I showed you isn't all the suit can do ether.

Iwao: there's more?

Izuku: of course. The cawl is equipped with heat vision, night vision, sonar and other stuff. In the ears of the cawl is a radio that I designed to stop even someone like LaBrava from hacking into. Connected to the radio head peace is also a microphone in the fingers of the suit that allows you to listen through walls and other solid objects to hear what's on the other side. Again just like the cloth it has its limits.

Iwao: even with its limits that's still amazing.

Izuku: many of my old gadgets are directly built into to suit as well. The grapple gun is in the gauntlet along with a batarang launcher. Plus if I just want to throw a batarang I can have a extendable one come straight to my hand.

Iwao: having your gadgets built in would be more convenient.

Izuku: yes but not all my gadgets are built into the suit so I still need a utility belt. I seem to always lose the belt in some way so I built the belt into the suit. That way there is less of a chance to lose it or it getting destroyed.

Iwao: so instead of building the rest of your gear into the suit you just built the belt into it?

Izuku: that's what I said.

Iwao: well I got to say that even though it's a prototype this suit is still cutting edge and if you improve it like you say you're going to do then I don't see hero support gear catching up for a long time.

Izuku: that's the goal. To make up for not having a power of my own I need to be ahead of everyone at everything else. Well everything else that is related to crime fighting.

Iwao: there's still something I don't get.

Izuku: and that is?

Iwao: how is this suit supposed to help you walk?

Izuku: right, I guess I forgot to talk about that part. You see along with the servo motors that enhances the wearer's strength there is also a flexible exoskeleton. The servo motors and the exoskeleton will be able to help me move.

Iwao: I see but you said it yourself that this suit was a prototype, it may not work.

Izuku: it will. Unfortunately I haven't been able to find the perfect power source for the suit just yet.

Iwao: what does that mean.

Izuku: the suit only has a finite amount of power and the more I use it the more the energy will drain.

Iwao: so there's a chance you could be stuck out there paralyzed. you're not going out there!

Izuku: everything will be fine Knuckle Duster.

Iwao: you keep saying that but when it comes to you it's never true! Maybe for others that you help but you always come out of things even worse then when you went in!

Izuku: are you done?

Iwao: no I'm not done! Why can't you see that's this road you're going done will only lead to your death!

Izuku: death was always a possibility. It's part of the job you, my mentor, of all people should know that. Now are you going to help me or not?

Iwao looked at Izuku with disbelief written all over his face. He couldn't believe that the boy he trained would actually go this far. If had he never would have trained him in the first place. Iwao closed his eyes and tilted his head down before shacking it no.

Iwao: I'm not going to help you kill your self. If you put that suit on then your on your own. If you put that suit on then I'm not going to help you anymore.

Izuku turned away from Knuckle Duster and looked back at the suit. He was quite for a minute but he eventually spoke again. Unfortunately what Izuku said wasn't what Knuckle Duster wanted to hear.

Izuku: get out.

With that there was nothing more to say. Knuckle Duster left the cave. Izuku was now alone with the suit. He continued to look at it for a little while. Then he began to pull the suit from the cabinet.

Izuku mind: don't worry Mei I'm coming and I promise that the ones that took you are going to pay.

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