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"What do you mean I shouldn't survive my injuries? If my injuries should have killed me, than why am I still alive?" I asked her confused. How am I still alive if I'm supposed to be dead?

Her smile widens, "Why because of my grand kids of course."

"GRAND KIDS?! What are you talking about you don't have grand kids." I say wide eyed. Has she gone completely nuts? Caleb doesn't have a girlfriend. I'm not pregnant. What the hell is she talking about? "Mom what are you talking about I'm not pregnant."

"But you are my dear Beatrice."

"No I can't be Tobias and I haven't even..." I trail off. "OH MY GOD! That night in the Candor compound, before I left for Erudite." I said. Tobias and I are having a baby. Then it hit me, "You said 'grand kids', as in more than one? And how in the world could my unborn children have saved me from fatal injuries? your making no sense."

"Yes, you are having twins my dear. They saved you because they are special." she said smiling again.

"What do you mean special, as in their divergent like me and you." I said confused again. How could she know that their divergent, their not even born yet.

"No my dear they are special because they have a special power. A power that allows them to protect them selves and eventual others as they grow and become stronger. They have something that only 3 others in the world have. You would need to protect them Beatrice. Their are people in other experiments that are trying to hunt down people like your unborn children."

As she said those words my expression went from confused to horrified. "I will never let them touch my children, and neither would Tobias." I said putting my hand over my stomach protectively.

"I know this. It is time for me to go now Beatrice. Always remember that me and your father love you, and always protect your family." she said as her image started to fade away. "Oh and forgive your brother, Tris. He was manipulated by Jeanine. He didn't know what she really had planed for you."

Tears now streak down my cheeks. "Always. I love you mom."

"I love you too Beatrice." she said and then she was gone, and I woke up.



We drive past the fences and stop by the front doors, which are no longer manned by guards. We get out, and Zeke seizes his mother's hand to steady her as she shuffles through the snow. As we walk into the compound, I know for a fact that Caleb succeeded, because there is no one in sight. That can only mean that they have been reset, their memories forever altered.

"Where is everyone?" Amar says.

We walk through the abandoned security checkpoint without stopping. On the other side, I see Cara. The side of her face is badly bruised, and there's a bandage on her head, but that's not what concerns me. What concerns me is the troubled look on her face.

"What is it?" I say.

Cara shakes her head.

"Where's Tris?" I say.

"I'm sorry, Tobias."

"Sorry about what?" Christina says roughly. "Tell us what happened!"

"Tris went into the Weapons Lab instead of Caleb," Cara says. "She survived the death serum, and set off the memory serum, but she . . . she was shot. And she didn't survive. I'm so sorry."

Most of the time I can tell when people are lying, and this must be a lie, because Tris is still alive, her eyes bright and her cheeks flushed and her small body full of power and strength, standing in a shaft of light in the atrium. Tris is still alive, she wouldn't leave me here alone, she wouldn't go to the Weapons Lab instead of Caleb.

"No," Christina says, shaking her head. "No way. There has to be some mistake."

Cara's eyes well up with tears.

It's then that I realize: Of course Tris would go into the Weapons Lab instead of Caleb.

Of course she would.

Christina yells something, but to me her voice sounds muffled, like I have submerged my head underwater. The details of Cara's face have also become difficult to see, the world smearing together into dull colors.

All I can do is stand still-I feel like if I just stand still, I can stop it from being true, I can pretend that everything is all right. Christina hunches over, unable to support her own grief, and Cara embraces her, and all I'm doing is standing still.

Convergent: Book 1 (completed)Where stories live. Discover now