Chapter 7

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Tris pov

When we walk back to our room we run in to Chris, more like she purposely ran into us. "Tris hey so what are you having I'm dying to know?!" She squealed at me.

I look up at Tobias, "Do you think we should tell her now or tell everyone at the same time?" I say raising an eyebrow.

"Its totally up to you." he said.

I look back at Christina, "Get every one together at 7 and we will announce then, okay?" I tell her.

"Fine. See you at 7." She said than skipped away.

We walk back to our room in silance, both in our own thoughts.When we get back to the room I break the silance. "So what are you thinking about?" I say rapping my arms around him from behind.

"We should go on a trip to the city, get out for a while. Clear our heads, celebrate these two bundle of joys." He said rubbing my protruding stomach. "What do you think?"

"I think thats a great idea, but what about setting up a baby room and stuff? We don't have anything for the babies, now that I think about it."

"We still have a few months till your due, we would only be gone for about a week or two." He said

"I don't know Tob...."

"Oh come on it'll be fun."He said whining now.

"FINE, but only for a week. Then we come back and get to work on things for the babies, got it?" I say glaring at him.

He picks me up and spins me around."Of course what ever you want." He puts me down. "I love you so much." He bends down and puts his face next to my belly. "And I love you guys even more."

He kisses my belly, then stands and kisses me. "I love you too Tobias!"


(later that day)

"Tris wake up." I coo in her ear. "Come on Tris we have to go meet up with our friends to share the surprise."

"I don't wanna get up" she said into the pillow.

"Don't make me go get the water." I threaten, raising and eyebrow.

She bolts up right. "IM UP! IM UP!" She shouts. I chuckle at her. She is so dang cute. She snaps her head in my direction and scowls at me; which makes me bust out laughing.

"What's so funny?" She questions me with a scowl still on her face.

"You...your....face......its......priceless!" I said in between gasps for air.

Im still chuckling when she gets up waddles over, and....SMACK! "Its not funny asshole."

WHAT THE FUCK! "What was that for?" I ask her rubbing my cheek. Damn that hurt.

"That was for threatening to throw water on me and laughing at me. Didn't anyone tell you not to fuck with a pregnant woman?" She answered raising an eyebrow.

"I wasn't actually going to do it, it was just a joke. And for your information, No, no one told me not the mess with pregnant woman."

"Well now you know. Don't mess with a pregnant woman."

Tris pov

The further down the hall we get the more we start to notice loud talking.

"SHHH THERE COMING!" Someone yelled. My guess it was Uriah.

When we finally got to the door, me and Tobias looked at each other. "You ready?"

I nod my head. we walk in. The room is dark, and it seams like there's no one here. "Wow I thought we were supposed to be meeting the gang here at 7? I wonder where they are?" I say to Tobias in a monotone voice.

"I don't know. I guess they wont find out the sexes of the baby's." He said in the same tone as me, while smiling like an idiot.

When we start to, pretend, to leave they all shoot up. "SURPRISE!"

Me and Tobias bust out laughing. "You guys know that we already knew you where in here right? You guys are so loud, you could here you a mile away."

"What ever just tell us already!" Uriah and Christina yelled at the same time.

I chuckle and put my arms around Tobias's waist. "Alright is everyone ready?!" I shout.

"Hell yeah!" They all shouted.

"Okay we're having......A BOY AND A GIRL!" I screeched excitedly.

Christina screeches and tackles me with a hug. "OMG IM GOING TO BE AN AUNTIE!" She screams.

"Yes Chris your going to be an auntie." I say laughing.

"Congrats. So have you thought about any names?" Uriah asks coming up and hugs me.

I look up at Tobias. "Well.....I was thinking about it and decided I wanted to do a tribute to some of our past friends and family, so I was thinking.... Natalie Marie Eaton. Natalie after my mom and Marie short for Marline, for our daughter. Then you have William Andrew Eaton. William after Will and Andrew after my dad, for our son." I blush shyly once I finish.

I here a sob come from someone to my left. I look over to see Chris with tears flowing down her face and a hand over her mouth trying to cover up her sobs.

She runs up to me and sobs in my arms. " I miss him so much."

" I know Chris, I miss him too. I'm so sorry I killed him. I honestly meant to shout his hand." I say as I let a couple of my own tears slip.

Chris looks down at me. "Thank you for the name. I know he would be honored; and I know you didn't mean too."

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