Figuring out about their feelings :3

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Luz noceda 🍇

Luz notices she has feelings for you when you were both at the owl house

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Luz notices she has feelings for you when you were both at the owl house.
She invited you so you could practice magic together.
You were listening to music and making light glyphs and fooling around until a certain song came on.
It was a love song and you both blushed.
"I-..I can explain Y/N..umm.."
You turned to the window and saw hooty watching but he quickly dived down.
Luz ran to the window and yelled at hooty sticking her fist up.
"Hooty! I'll get you for this!.." she sighed and lowered her head
You giggled at this.
"Well This is awkward.." Luz whispered looking at you blushing.
"Well since this is kinda..umm..just! about know?" Luz offered you her hand and smiled
"May I have this dance Y/N?.."
"Of course Luz.." You grabbed her hand and you guys began to dance to the music.
Soon you both got the hang of it but you accidentally step on Luz's foot which makes you fall back out of shock.
Luz catches you by your waist and you both look at each other in the eyes.
You guys laugh it off and finish practicing.
You get home thinking about Luz as you fall asleep

Amity Blight 🔮

Amity finds out while she was in class

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Amity finds out while she was in class. She looked over to the door and gasped as she saw you jumping up and down.
Amity put her head down covering her face. She blushed, embarrassed.
As soon as class ended she walked up to you.
"What are you doing!?" Amity said whispering as everyone else walked passed you.
"Sorry amity..but I need your help with something. Basically I-.." You began to talk about what happened and amity frowned for a second before smiled lightly watching you try to re-enact what happened.
She didn't even notice until you finished the story as she realized she was blushing.
"I-I have to go to.....I'll help you later!...umm...Bye!" Amity walked away nervous as she hit her fist against her head.
"So stupid! Why'd I do that?!.." Amity said groaning

Willow park 🫐

Willow already suspected she liked you for a WHILE now

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Willow already suspected she liked you for a WHILE now.
She just didn't think she Loved you. 💙
She basically sees you walking around looking at all the plants and she smiles.
Willow admires you. She literally doesn't care if you blink. She'll giggle and just blush like crazy 💀🤚
She walked up to you and asks you if you wanna watch her practice her plant magic or whatever idk dudes lol.
You say yes and you both go somewhere quiet in the forest.
You sit down and watch willow. When she finishes you congratulated her. She blushes as you give her a big hug.
"Good job willow! That was amazing!" You said laughing. "Aw was nothin really!"
You check the time and smile. "Well I should get home willow..". "Oh okay! Bye Y/N!"
You smile at willow and wave. "Bye cutie!" You say As you walk off and willow stops in her tracks,looks back, and has the ultimate fan girl moment. 💙Willow is so sweet 😭

Boscha 🌸

This trouble maker finds out when you were looking for some good books to read in the library

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This trouble maker finds out when you were looking for some good books to read in the library.
You found a book to read and sat down. But as you finally got comes boscha....
"What's up loser?" "Oh I don't know boscha..maybe...the sky?..if your that stupid than maybe you should go sit down and read a book for once!" You said as you both were staring daggers at each other.
"Tch...smartass.." boscha whispered turning her head.
"Your lucky I don't smack you right now boscha.."
you sat up and as you walked past her you smirked and chuckled cunningly as she watched you.
Boscha blushed and growled kicking the table leg.
"That girl is...wait! No! Ugh!"
Yeah Boscha is totally head over heels for you 💖

Gus porter 🍪

This little ANGEL of a child finds out like

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This little ANGEL of a child finds out soon as you guys lock eye contact.
Gus falls in love FAST.
He is very shy around you but likes to spend time with you 24/7.
Gus literally is a nervous wreck.
Whenever you compliment him he panics and runs the other direction.
This one didn't really need a long one and no I'm not doing this cuz I'm lazy....ok MAYBE!
But I'm just tired!! 😭☝️

That's the end for this chapter! I am so tired right now but I will try to work on this some more tomorrow!
I apologize if this is rushed. I also am going to be trying to update the amity x reader as much as I can to! :)

Thank you my luvs and bye!✨💖
Remember that you are Beautiful/Handsome/Stunning/Gorgeous🌈✨

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