🌧🦠When Your Sick🦠🌧

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Creds to the Artist for the pic :) ⬆️ This was requested by anime_22194_81194 !  I hope you enjoy! :}

Luz Noceda🍡

_______________________________________________________________________________________You were laying in bed under the covers as your mom put the back of her hand on your forehead checking your temperature

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You were laying in bed under the covers as your mom put the back of her hand on your forehead checking your temperature. "You've just got a common sickness Hun,nothing to worry about!" She said as she smiled weakly. "Okay...." You rolled onto your back . "You just need some rest...do you want me to make you some soup?" She said getting up off of the bed. "Yeah...I'm...hungry.." You mumbled as you laughed. "Okay darl I'll be right back." She said walking out of the room,closing the door. "Hm?" Suddenly there was a knock at the door as she rushed down the steps. She opened the door revealing Luz. "H-Hi...Mrs.L/N..(Last Name) I'm here to see Y/N!" Luz said checking behind the woman every now and again. "Oh that's wonderful Luz....but!...she's a bit...sick...right now so you'll have to come by another time-" your mom was cut off as Luz put on her best puppy dog eyes. "Please Please Please Please Pleaseeeeeee Mrs.L/N! I promise I'll be careful!" Luz pleaded. Your mother sighed as she smiled. "Fine...but only for a little while...she needs to rest." She asserted. "Thank you so much!" Luz shouted as she dashed past your mom making her way up the stairs and to your room. "Y/N?" She gasped running towards you. she immediately jumped to hug you. "Are you okay?! Please tell me your okay! Please!-" you cut her off as you kissed her forehead. "Luz I'm fine....hey wait a minute you need to leave! I'm not feeling well right now..." You said frowning. "T-That's why I have to be here! Your sick and I need to take care of you! Or else...what kind of girlfriend would I be?" She grinned as you felt your stomach twirl. "Okay...." You chuckled as she smiled. "I love you, you little pumpkin peach.." You said smiling at her as she littered your cheek in kisses. "I love you too much to let you lay here all sick and stuff...so! Let's get you not-sick!" She said looking at you. "Luz...you realize you don't have to do this ri-" She cut you off holding a finger to your lips. "Nuh uh! Now,I'll stay here and make sure your feeling better in no time!" Luz insisted. "Thanks Luz....Thank You.."

Amity Blight🍬

Amity Blight🍬

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