🧋When Their Jealous🧋

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I guess this was kinda rushed so bleh :P

Luz Noceda🥝

_______________________________________________________________________________________Luz walked Down the halls of Hexside when she saw you

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Luz walked Down the halls of Hexside when she saw you. She froze when she saw Someone talking to you.
"Thanks! I'll read it when I get home tonight!" Your friend had passed you a book to borrow that you had always wanted to read but never had the chance since you were so busy that week. "Hmm.." Luz stared At the girl talking to you with a hint of jealousy in her eyes. "Hey isn't that your...girlfriend over there?.." The girl said as you turned around seeing Luz bolt back around the corner. "Ugh...Again?.." You whispered as You walked over to the blushing girl. "Luz what are you doing? Aren't you supposed to be with willow?" "I was! But she said she didn't need any..more...help?..." "You could tell she was lying. But why?. "Luz I know your lying." "Whatttt? ME?! PFFFFFT! I don't lieee!" "Then why are you blushing,Putting your hands behind your back,And avoiding eye contact?" She sighed in embarrassment hunching over. "Luz...we're you jealous?" The blushing girl widened her eyes and laughed nervously. "WHAT...I DONT KNOW WHAT YOUR-...." "I already know Luz..."
"Ugh..Yes...." "Why would you be jealous? You know I like you already..I've told you this multiple times.." "I know...It's just that.....I don't....Know..." "Luz...That girl obviously has a crush on me...but I would never do something as to hurt you like that..Mwah.." Luz blushed even harder as you kissed her cheek walking away. "Bye Luz! Love you!" "L-L-L-Love?..She said Love! She just said...Love? SHE JUST SAID LOVE!" You giggled at her reaction covering your mouth to muffle the noise.

Amity Blight🍇

_______________________________________________________________________________________"Yo Ams! Check it out! Me and this dude that I met at the bakery last week are going to see this awesome show! It's gonna be so cool

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"Yo Ams! Check it out! Me and this dude that I met at the bakery last week are going to see this awesome show! It's gonna be so cool."  Amity looked at you and blushed as you smiled at her. "Oh..that's great! Who is this 'dude' though?" She asked smiling a bit. "Oh he's a friend! And get this...he goes to hexside! So all three of us can hang out." You grinned almost about to explode with joy. Amity on the other hand had a million thoughts running through her head. 'Who is this? When did they meet? Does he like her? Am I not good enough? What's going to happen?'  She was surprised when you snapped her out of her trance. "Yo! You good Amity? "Oh! sorry!..guess I zoned out a bit.."  You were concerned as she looked at her hands playing with her fingers. "Are You ok amity?"   "Sorry! I just...do you have to go...with him?.."   "Amity are you...Jealous?"  "What?! Me? No I'm not it's..I..think that.."   She laughed in between her words rubbing her neck. "It's ok...You don't have to hide it...I mean the jig is up anyways.."   "Ugh..fine..I guess I am a bit.." Amity could not bring herself to use "Jealous" to describe herself.  "Look amity its ok! Beside you look very cute when your jealous~.."   "Ugh..Yeah..right! Please do not ever use that word in the same sentence as me."    "Amity's a jealous cutie~..."    "Y/N!" She blushed putting her hair in front of her mouth embarrassed. "Hah! Let's get going! I'm starving anyways.."   "Also Y/N..."    "Yeah what's up?"  You put an arm around her as you walked down the path. "I think I love you..."   You choked on your spit hearing this and tried to contain yourself. "I-I-Uh...Me to! I think..I love you to.."

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