Chapter 2

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Louis POV-

A twat? Who the hell does he think he is. That curly haired little manwhore. Ugh, I just wanna kill him. And now he's with that little slut. I can't do anything about it. Ugh, I just want to get my mind off him.

I then remember my girlfriend and I had a date. Eleanor is such a sweet, nice, and beautiful girl which makes her almost the perfect girlfriend. My only complaint is that she is kind of..bipolar. One minute she'll be super clingly, and the next she'll be as distant as the moon and back.

When I got to her flat, I knock on her door.

A manly figure answers the door. I recognize the face instantly and cringe.

It's Max George from The Wanted; our arch rivals.

"Can I help you with something?" He asked.

"Get out of my way." I said shrugging him to the side. I see Eleanour on the couch wearing a guys tee shirt and underwear. "Eleanor?!" I ask shocked.

"Louis! Uh, I can explain." She said nervously.

"Save it. Bye, Eleanor." I said as I spun and started walking towards the door when a large presence was pushing me to the ground. Max ducked down to the ground and whispered something about not pushing him. I rolled my eyes at him and all of a sudden, a large fist was greeting my face.

"What the hell dude?!" I asked confused while managaing to get off the ground.

"Get the hell out, man." He said.

"Fuck you." I say as I push him out of the way and run to my car. How could she do this? I feel tears well up in my eyes as I start my car and drive home.

I get home and saw Harry still isn't home. It's a bit bittersweet. I want to see him and all, but I don't because I'm mad at him.



Harry's POV

As I pulled up to her drive, she flipped her blonde hair to the side and pushed her lips against mine. I pressed back for 2 seconds and then pulled back. She tried to lean in again, but I stopped her.

"Um, I should probably get going."

"Uh, yeah. Me too. Bye babe." She smiled.

"Bye Taylor." I said to my girlfriend.

She smiled and waved as she got out of the car and walked to her house.

I was dating Taylor Swift, the most sucessful U.S pop/country teen. She was the most beautiful girl in the industry. She is the sweetest and coolest girl I've met. I just don't feel anything, but I'm so scared to break up with her.

I'm really in a sticky situation.

When I got home, I notice Louis' car is there. Weird. He said he was going to be out late. It's only 10 o'clock.

"Shit" I mumble as I remember what I had said to Louis. I hate when Lou's mad, or even worse sad.

As I walk in, I hear some legit heavy metal music blaring from the kitchen. Then I see Louis yelling along with the guys while banging his head rather harshly.

"Lou? You know you're voice doesn't really mix with these angry guys." I say, grinning, as I notice such a change in pitch with Louis and these guys.

He turned around looking at me with such a strange look. His eyes are gray and emotionless.

"Oh, cool. So you can call me a twat and say I'm not a good friend, then you can come to me three hours later pretending everything is fine?" He said with such a evil look. I've never seen him like this.

"Look, Lou. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it at all and I was just frustrated. You-"

"Oh my God! FIRE!!" Louis screams at the top of his lungs. I look at him confused and then I see it.

A big, orange, flame coming from the stove.

"Do I call 911?! " He shouted over the sudden beeping of the fire alarm. "Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God!" He said while starting to pace.

"God Louis stop pacing!" I screamed nervously.

"Do something!!" He screamed as I quick grabbed a fire estinguisher from the wall. Luckily, Liam put it there because Louis insn't necessarily the best cook in the world. I put the fire out without any damage, fortunately.

"Oh thank God!" Louis said as relaxing his whole body.

"Yeah. What would you do without me?" I said with a cheeky smile.

"I dun-, wait I'm mad at you. So leave me alone, Harry." He said with a pouty face.

"Aww, come on Lou, I said I'm sorry..and oh my gosh," I said realizing the big bruise on the top of his left cheek. "What happened to your face?"

"Uhm..." He stuttered.

"C'mon Lou. You can tell me everything and anything." I said with a slight smile.

" did it," I nodded to show I was listening. "I caught him And I kinda'..uhh..yelled and he" He said while choking back tears.

"Aww, Lou!" I said while pulling into the crook of my neck. He wrapped his arms around my waist. Yes. My Louis is back. I smiled and rub his back to comfort him. I hate to see Louis sad. It was just...depressing.

"Hey. I know what will make you feel better! Lets go to my room and watch a movie." I suggest.

He nodded his head in agreement, still in my neck.

"What movie, Lou?" I asked. He took his head out of my neck.

"Something happy. No more crying..ever." He said.

"Okay. 21 Jump Street? Pitch Perfect?" I suggested.

"21 Jump Street" He said back.

We sink in my bed and I put my arm around his waist. It just feels so right with him.

"You know I really am sorry, Louis."

"Yeah, I know." He said cringing at the memory.

"I love you, Louis." I said as I smiled at him.

He looked up at me and smiled back. "Love you more Harry!"

They Don't Know About Us (A Larry Stylinson Fan-fiction)Where stories live. Discover now