Chapter 11

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Harry POV:

One week later

We've been off the cruise for a few days now and Louis is still sick in bed. It's not even on and off anymore. It's just constant coughing, puking, sleeping. I just wish I could do something to make him feel better. Maybe we should take him to the hospital? I'll have to talk to Liam.

"Liam?" I call from downstairs.

"Yeah?" He asks.

"Should we maybe take Lou-"

"To the hospital? Yeah, I've been thinking about that. He hasn't improved at all and he just lays in his bed all day and night. Poor thing." Liam interrupts.

"Let's go wake him up. Not sure how pleased he'll be." I warn him. I know he hates doctors, so he will hate hospitals even more.

"Louis?" We softly call, trying to wake him up.

"Lou?" I shake him and he slowly opens his eyes. His once blue eyes, are just black. He looks so dead.

"We're going to take you to the hospital." Liam informs him.

"No no no no no! Not going to happen!" Louis shouts.

"Do you wanna' stay like this forever and keep getting worse?" I scold him like a mother would.

He gives me a death stare and starts to pout.

"You look like a child when you pout, Lou." I tell him.

"Shut up, Harry. I'm not in the mood to talk to you right now." He sassily responds.

"You were in the mood last night." I blurt out. Shit, the boys don't know we're together. I look at Louis to see him glaring at me with his eyes saying what-the-hell-are-you-thinking?!

Zayn coughs uncomfortably and I shoot my eyes to him.

"Are you ready to go Lou?" Liam asks breaking the awkwardness.

"Fine." He agrees and stomps out of bed and into the bathroom. The door is slammed right behind him.

"Way to piss him off, Harry." Niall says to me.

"Yeah, what was that about?" Zayn adds.

"I don't know. Grab his phone." I order one of the boys.

"Ready to take me to the hell hole?" Louis says as he appears from the bathroom.

"People call it a hospital, but yeah if you're ready." Liam says while walking out of the room.

We all pile into Liam's car. Unfortunately for me, Niall snuck into the car so he was in between Louis and I. We rode to the hospital in complete silence. I noticed Louis was nervous since he was shaking his leg and biting his nails. Poor thing.

When we arrive, Liam checks us in and Louis is immediately being taken by two nurses. We sit down in the waiting room and begin to wait.

Louis POV:

What the hell, Harry? The boys probably know something is up now. I could tell by their faces. When I was in the bathroom, I could Harry covering for it so that's good I guess. God, he can be so stupid.

Anyways, they took me to my hospital room and had me change. This is so stupid. I'd rather just be miserable in my bed. At least I could cuddle with Harry then.

"Hi. I'm Doctor West." A male doctor looking around his mid-30's walks in. "And you must be Louis. Correct?"

"Yeah, that's my name." I respond.

"So what are your symptoms?" He asks while taking a seat.

"Um, nauseousness, puking, upset stomach, dizziness, I'm tired a lot, and I tend to cough up blood sometimes." I tell my doctor. "I was on a cruise like a week or so ago and the nurse on there told me it was pneumonia."

"Hm, well yeah that's what it sounds like. Tell you what, I need to run a test just to be sure. Then if you do have it, I'll give you some antibiotics and you'll be good to go." Doctor West smiles.

"Sounds like a plan." I smile back.

After forty minutes of getting tested and waiting for the antibiotics, I was ready to leave. I change back to my regular clothes and I head down to the waiting room.

"Lou, are you okay?" Harry quick gets up.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I answer. I'm still annoyed of what happened earlier with him. "I easily could have just went to the doctors, not the hospital." I turn to Liam.

"Well we were just being safe. Are you hungry? Want some food?" Liam asks me.

Just the thought of food makes me...sick. I run to the bathroom before puking in one of the toilets. This sucks so bad.

"Louis?" I hear a familiar voice call.

"What Harry?"

"Hey, I'm sorry about earlier. It kind of just slipped out." He apoligizes.

Okay whatever. I'm too sick to be stressed out over him, and I need him to cuddle with me.

"It's fine, Harry."

"Okay thank you babe. Are you okay?" He asks from outside the stall door.

"Yeah." I say as I'm emerging from the bathroom door.

"Did they give you antibiotics?"

"Yeah. Twice a day I think. They said I should feel better within 3-4 days and if not I'm supposed to come back." I tell him.

"Okay, ready to go home?"


We leave the bathroom and pile into Liam's car. Luckily, Niall doesn't sneak between Harry and I and we get to sit together. I feel so exhausted. I shut my eyes for two seconds before I drift into sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2016 ⏰

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