1888: Death Marches Ever Onwards

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“Lovely place you’ve got here.”

Dio didn’t turn—he’d heard her footstep long before Erina had even entered the throne room. He continued with his work, adjusting the large velvet curtains across the large windows. He was still surprised that they were in such good condition—after a hefty beating to remove the dust, they had surprisingly few holes for curtains that had sat in an abandoned castle for centuries. 

He leapt down from the extremely tall—and extremely precarious—pile of chairs and boxes he’d used to reach the top of the window, admiring his handy-work. It had been a long time since he’d had to clean anything, though the last time he’d mended fabric was more recent. Still, he was proud of himself. After a few nights—and days—of hard work, the throne room windows were spotlessly clean, with large thick curtains to block out any stray rays of sunlight.

The moonlight trickled in through the open curtains, casting everything in a strange, silvery-grey light. Dio could see just fine—his heightened senses making everything appear as daylight. 

Erina’s footsteps moved closer.

“It’s rude to ignore a guest, you know.”

Dio sighed internally and turned to face her, a strained smile on his face.

“Its a good thing you aren’t a guest then.”

Her eyebrows quirked slightly, a similarly strained smile on her face.

“Oh? Pray, tell then. What am I?”

“Something akin to a cockroach, I’d imagine. No matter how hard I try to get rid of you, you pop right back up again, almost as if nothing happened.”

Erina laughed at that, and Dio’s skin prickled. Her harsh laughter echoed loudly in the hall.

“An interesting analogy, Dio.” 

Erina brushed past him, admiring the large window behind him. Dio didn’t move.

He knew why Erina was here.

All he could do was wait for her to make her move.

✩ - - - ✩ - - - ✩ - - - ✩ - - - ✩ - - - ✩

Dio started into consciousness, head still ringing from how hard Erina had struck him. He gently moved his head, searching the area for her, but she was long gone.

He strained at the bonds on his wrists, breaking them in an instant.

He’d been waiting for this. 

It had taken her two days, but she’d made her move. She’d distracted Dio, and was probably leading JoJo, Zeppeli and Speedwagon into a trap. 

Dio growled in frustration, leaving the castle as fast as he could. Erina wanted him to follow, so the path was clear. Dio hated how well she knew him, that she could lay a trap so perfectly for him.

But, he had to make sure JoJo and his band of heroes were safe. Speedwagon…Zeppeli…The two of them had listened to him and trusted him despite the overwhelming evidence against him. He had to make sure all of them were safe. He had to save them.

✩ - - -✩ - - - ✩ - - - ✩ - - - ✩ - - -✩

The two zombified knights were strong, that was obvious. Jonathan ground his teeth as he frantically dodged the blows Bruford was throwing at him. He didn’t have time to worry about Speedwagon and the kid, the only thing on his mind was survival. 

Where had the damn things come from? It was Dio’s work, that much was clear, but the scumbag hadn’t shown his face. But the way the knights had talked to each other, mentioning ‘orders’ and their ‘master’, told Jonathan that Dio was close by.

That bastard! Jonathan thought as Bruford’s sword swung dangerously close. I’m going to kill him!

✩ - - -✩ - - -✩ - - -✩ - - -✩ - - -✩ 

Dio still wasn’t there by the time the group made it to the Chain Neck Deathmatch. 

Erina was surprised, surely she hadn’t hit him that hard? 

She was about to go find him—after all, if he didn’t show up what was the point of this?—when Zeppeli died.

And, naturally, that was when Dio arrived.

She smirked at him, then leapt off into the distance. With the mood Jonathan was in, Dio was going to have a hard time getting out of there with his limbs still attached.

And as much as she wanted to see that, she couldn’t reveal herself yet.

✩ - - -✩ - - -✩ - - -✩ - - -✩ - - -✩

The second Erina left, Dio knew there was going to be trouble.

And he was right. 

He’d caught JoJo’s eye through the hole in the wall and immediately backpedalled. Whatever had gone down before he arrived had not been good, and Dio was not planning to stick around and find out exactly how JoJo would enact revenge for whatever Erina had done.

He’d made it back to the castle before daybreak, barely. 

Erina wasn’t there. 

Why would she be? JoJo was on his way and Dio doubted anything Speedwagon or Zeppeli could stop him now.

So, Dio sat patiently on his throne and waited for Death to arrive.

//AN: Apologies Dear Readers! I was much busier than anticipated and then writer's block punched me in the gut. Hopefully, I'll be able to get back on top of updating soon!//

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