1888: Useless

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It had been two days since Dio had left for Wind Knight’s Lot. Now, he was standing on the parapet of the castle overlooking the small town.

It was a quaint place, not very large. If Dio had to guess he would say it was home to around 800 people. It had probably been a larger town at one stage, populated by the families of people who lived in the castle. Dio vaguely remembered learning about this place in his studies. It had been a training ground, where knights lived and trained to serve their lords and ladies. He remembered the tales of Tarkus and Bruford and the 77 Rings Challenge that only a handful of knights ever managed to complete.

It was awe-inspiring to be standing where hundreds of historical figures had stood over the years. But now, it was just a ruin, inhabited by someone who wasn’t even meant to be alive.

Dio sighed, walking down the stairs to a small chamber that he had set up as a bedroom. Dawn was coming, so he might as well try to sleep.

It didn’t work.

After several hours of staring up at the ceiling in boredom, Dio got up. Exploring his new surroundings was a better use of his time than trying to recreate something that belonged to the living.

He started on the western side of the castle. Most of the rooms were guest rooms, rotting beds and other furnishings still in place. He found the kitchens and the laundry, and what he assumed was the bathroom. 

The castle wasn’t as large as he’d originally thought, and it only took him a few hours to explore every room. Most were standard, but there was one room that caught his eye.

Originally, Dio had ignored this room—it had no real practical use after all. But he stood in the throne room, admiring the moth-eaten tapestries decorating the walls. Soft afternoon light came in from the dusty windows, the sunlight so diluted Dio wasn’t worried about suddenly turning to dust or whatever would happen to him when he got into direct sunlight.

Though, doesn’t the moon just reflect sunlight? Dio thought as he walked to the next tapestry in line—this one less moth-eaten than the last, its depictions of knights and battles easier to see. Perhaps its only direct sunlight…though I’m not sure I’m willing to test that theory, at least not intentionally. Perhaps, after this is all over, when Erina’s gone…

The thought trailed off. What would he do when this was all over? He couldn’t exactly go back to the Mansion—JoJo would never want to see him again, that much was sure. Zeppeli had been clear—he was an ally for now, but would that change after the greater threat was taken care of? What would Speedwagon do? The man was loyal, but JoJo had a greater claim to his loyalty than Dio did, as much as he considered the man his friend. After Erina was dead, what use would Dio have?


The thought hit him like a knife to the heart.

And for the first time in his life, Dio realised that he didn’t know what he was going to do next.

✩ - - - - - -✩ - - - - - -✩ - - - - - -✩ - - - - - -✩ - - - - - -✩

Dio wasn’t in London. 

Erina punched a wall, leaving a large dent. It wasn’t like the trip had been wasted—she’d gathered a group of minions to keep an eye on Jonathan and his little band of heroes. Though, the way they’d quickly disposed of Jack the Ripper had been rather annoying. The trouble she’d gone through to turn him into a zombie! The cut on her stomach still hadn’t completely healed.

Annoyed, she strode over to the desk in the centre of the room, unrolling a map that was sitting on it. Reaching into the pocket of the trousers she was wearing, she pulled out a piece of chalk. She traced a line, following the line Jonathan’s travels and continuing on until she reached a town, a weeks travel from the Joestar Estate.

“Wind Knight’s Lot,” she read out the name of the town. “Perhaps, I should go investigate…”

She could leave her minions here, have them watch London for signs of Dio or Jonathan’s potential return. After all, she could always make more minions.

And, if Dio was at Wind Knight’s Lot, Erina had to get there before Jonathan. It would be no good if Dio managed to get the truth through Jonathan’s thick head. It shouldn’t be too difficult to make any attack on her part look like it was from Dio.

After all, she had a plan.


*cautiously peeks around the corner* *drops a bundle of paper’s labelled “Chapter’s 16 and 17”* *scuttles away again*

Hi guys! So it’s been almost a month since I lasted updated, which was not my intention… I had these chapters written, but I just hadn’t,,,,gotten around to it? Which is a terrible excuse. BUT the semester is almost done, and I’ll have a two-week break, so hopefully, I can get back on schedule by the end of next week, which will mean a) multiple updates a day, and b) updates pretty much every day! (I looked at my calendar and it said I should have chapter 30 out today...which uh, obviously isn’t happening, sorry)

I know AU’s aren’t really a big thing on Wattpad, so I appreciate you all for reading!! I thrive on comments, so don’t be afraid to comment on anything!! If there’s something that’s not clear in the story, please let me know and I’ll be happy to explain/make it more clear in the story! Thank you all for reading!!!!

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