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"Good morning everyone

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"Good morning everyone. Thank you for taking the time out to meet me with me again." Arya spoke up to her team while taking a seat at the head of the table.

"We're happy to see you here. Hopefully you had some time to think over the weekend."

"I did. I considered all of your feedback and I've decided to make things work with him. I don't believe the company should suffer due to my situation." She knew a financial blow to the company would set them back tremendously and would possibly lead to her having to layoff some people. All of which didn't seem like a fair situation to her. She didn't think of Ethan as a horrible person, she just was finding it hard to trust him.

"Are you sure about this?" The company's lawyer questioned, wanting to be sure of Arya's decision before closing out the case.

"Yes, I'm sure. I do also have a new proposal that I want to present to you all while we still have time in our meeting." Arya hooked her laptop up to the appropriate cords and turned on the screen in the conference room. Standing up, she directed everyone's attention to her slide show.

"I decided to take some feedback and ideas from my current relationship and I'm hoping that you all would like the idea of rolling out an additional service that would match and allow people to date before the marriage agreement. I don't know what price point it would fall under, but I was thinking of potentially setting up an initial date for the matches and reconvening after the date to see if each party would like to proceed with the contract. Of course we would have to enforce a limit for how many dates one person could go on. I would say a ninety day period between dates if the person doesn't agree with our chosen match. I believe that this will potentially bring in a new wave of people who are nervous about marrying blindly."

Arya had taken a lot from her conversation with Ethan. She also felt like this would be some what of damage control to prevent what Ethan and Amira did from happening again. She went through her slides, explaining how they'd separate the candidates who don't want full anonymity. How the system would match the two for a date and they would set up a few activities for the couple to do during the date to get to know one another. After the date the matchmaker will receive feedback and go over each activity that occurred to find out exactly how the couple connected and what makes them drawn to the other person.

"Again, this is just a pitch and it's completely open to be picked apart. There are a ton of details that can be added and a handful that can be taken out. We can go through a vote on if you feel the service should be added or not. If voted in we can definitely distribute the information to the appropriate teams to be edited and refined and also acquire the appropriate requisitions for the new department it would take to run this." Arya finished off her pitch and looked around at everyone at the table. It didn't take long for everyone to vote in favor of of the proposal.

Arya left out of the meeting feeling way more confident then when she went in. She was happy that everyone liked her proposal and she could thank Ethan for the idea, but she knew she wouldn't. In a sense she felt more protective of her company and what all she shares with him. She no longer felt comfortable being as open with him as she once was since she didn't feel he was coming from a genuine place when it came to her sharing her ideas. If he personally didn't agree with her services then what benefit would she get out of sharing information about it with him.

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