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this will be a random story I'm writing bcs I'm bored. its romance? I think I don't know really. anyway yeah. its also ocs btw yeah . its a cliché read I'm pretty sure... ah also grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes will be here bcs I don't bother correcting myself anyway read ig.


----STORY 1----

Lucy walked down the street not knowing what to do. She failed to manage another job and got fired. She really doesn't know what to do during these things. Usually her friends would comfort  her and hang out but they had their own things to do. She quietly just cried to herself as she tried to walk home.

She didn't even know she was fired. She was never told. It hurt her because she was so confused on why they took a job that she liked so much. She was starting to get close with people too. She didn't know what to do anymore.

She just wanted to kiss her loving girlfriend but even that wasn't possible since she cheated on her with a guy from tv. Lucy tried talking to her girlfriend but she just acted like they didn't know each other. It hurt her a lot. So much. She loved her girlfriend so much,

Hopefully, she will get home because she doesn't want to keep walking. Her feet were tired. She doesn't like whatever the gods were playing her for. Her tears became more evident on her face. She tried walking faster but her feet never did.

She stopped and stood there in the middle of the street. As a car passed by. "Oh well" she thought. She smiled to herself and that was the last time she could've ever smiled...

---- id idnt expect to write more stories so here's another one--- story 2--

these are two different entities talking btw! entity one[a god] and entity two[young dead girl]

The heavy rains as they drop. Another lifetime I have wasted. Another set of my friends deceased. How come every universe I enter the ending always seems the same. It's always me standing in front of my friend's dead corpses. Why every time I reset and jump into another universe, this world seems to be okay. Am I the one who keeps hurting them or does the universe want to punish me for what I did first. I always seem to forget that I need to save them, I always end up forgetting. Why? That's what I want to know. Why do I get to experience seeing all of their deaths repeat. From one universe to another, I seem to be only causing the worst... Am I someone who shouldn't exist? If so, then why do I?

"Well, Maybe you just need to find and learn. You don't seem to learn a lot kid. I don't think the Universe hates you. Learn that, using them again isn't the way to go. Just... Do you have anything else to say?"

No, I- if it wants me to learn then what do I do. I want to actually be happy for once, why can't I be selfish. Why can't I just make them happy and stop all battles. That's all I want. But why does my own selfish desires eat me every time...

"Listen kid, you know what you need to do. And I trust you with that. You can do so much better things. I know you just want peace after everything that happened to you when you were alive... i mean like your original life. Not this cycle. but the Universe seems like it still wants you to learn something and actually do what's right. But I know you're tired, so just sleep this time. I'll be the one to reset."

Mhm, Thank you... I'll make sure to try and save them this time. I promise to make you proud... Goodnight to you... and your husband.

"Kid don't say that, you know he's gone... and he will never come back and you know that. Anyway, wish you the best on this time. I will make sure that you don't come back here. Even though I will miss talking to you. Good luck and Goodnight kid"

-----story 3---

"Would you just shut up." She told the guy. It was so dumb to argue with a fucking basketball player. They were dumb anyway. Laura was sick and tired of her classmate Cleo. It was so dumb and stressful how annoying that guy was.

Now, before anything else. Yes, Laura did have a crush on him but it never made him less annoying and stupid!

"Fucking stupid bitch." She mumbled to herself. Thankfully, no teacher was there nor did anyone hear her. She wouldn't ever care if someone did anyway. The teachers were alright with them cursing just don't say it while visitors were there.

"How about... No!" Cleo responded with a chuckle as well. Welp, he was definitely getting in her nerves now. She just ignored it this time. She knew that responding was what Cleo wanted anyway. 

She just continued writing and minding her business. It wasn't in her forte to confess to him... I mean, she doesn't want to get rejected that's all. Especially since she was one of the top students of the class and liking someone who had such low grades wasn't really her thing, well she guessed that Cleo was an exemption and she sure was hell not trying to get rejected by him to her face. It will ruin whatever ego she has.

She once fell for Cleo and it was hard. She knew getting over him was gonna be hard. And she knew right. 

Did Cleo like her back? Well, She guessed she will never know. Nor anyone will. Just Cleo would.

---story 4--- nsfw implied

He kissed him like there was no yesterday. It was hot and messy but he liked it, No, He loved it.

This might be the only time he will get to kiss the guy he has always liked his entire life. He didn't care who was watching and what was bound to happen. He didn't care whether or not He will regret this later on, He will let his future self handle that. For now, he will have the time of his life.


--story 5---

"Hey, why are you even here?" Ruby whispered, annoyed. Akio chuckled to her remark, and said, "Hmm? We're classmates so how would I not be allowed in here?". Ruby was more annoyed than she was, Akio was a prick. It was obvious that wasn't the answer to her question. "You know that's not the answer to the question, Akio" Her voice was louder now, It could be as loud as she wanted to. After all, they were in a classroom, alone.

Akio was playing hard. He really wanted to get under Ruby's skin. He only shrugged as an answer. As he was expecting Ruby got pissed at pinned him to the wall. Though, due to their height difference it was easy for Akio to switch their positions and pin Ruby into the wall instead.

"You prick! Let me out now, and don't talk to me after" Ruby struggled to get out, Akio hands were on her sides and when she moves down Akio does as well. However, due to the respect Akio has for Ruby when she said that he let her go. He pulled his hands away and only laughed to himself.

Ruby was obviously mad at him. She didn't have the energy to try and punch him this time and so she just flipped him off and ran out. Akio only laughed more and sat down in his seat, not really caring to where Ruby wandered off to. He knew that Ruby was strong enough to fight for herself if anything does happen to her.

Minutes pass another person enters the classroom. It was Rashi, She was wearing her white blouse, red jacket, and her peach knee length skirt. She entered confused because Ruby wasn't in the classroom unlike always. Akio greeted her good morning and she returned the action. Walking to her seat and quietly pulling out her notebook to draw and wait.

During the silence, Rashi decided to speak, "Hey Akio, where's Ruby? She would usually be here already...". She didn't look up and only continued drawing. Akio responded, "She left after I teased her, I might had gone too far this time..." "Oh". Rashi only nodded and quietly continued. She knew the two had some sort of relationship but she didn't want to bother Akio, he was probably thinking of finding Ruby by now...


NO CREDITS OTHER THAN ME. THIS WAS SO FUN JUST TO WRITE AROUND AND NOT CARE WHAT ANYONE SAYS YK :] I have never had this much fun writing again you know? haha i might get in my feels and start writing more again, school is coming up again so i might have many ideas :P anyways thats all! thank you so much for reading! I had so much fun doing this! Thank you and bye bye!

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