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My teacher said she buys cake foe Jesus. Wow, Okay, i guess.


____________Start? Go!_____________

"Alisa!" The boy shouted, searching for the girl he likes. Cal knew it was the worst day for him. Alisa was supposed to talk to him today. Now that he, also has realised his feelings for the girl, He is now in full regret for kissing Alisa's bestfriend; Annie.

Annie and Cal had always been closer. They even had a mutual crush on each other in grade school. However they both move on, or so Cal had thought. Annie still had feelings for Cal, Feelings she had been hiding since the time she knew that Alisa had feelings towards him too.

Annie and Alisa are not really so to say "best friends". They were friends for the most part, She and Alisa just went to the same gradeschool and had the same class for 6 years straight. Which led to most of them to forcibly interact with each other and ended with everybody in that class to be, or so call it "friends."

Alisa did have a crush on Annie once, to which Annie didn't mind. However this made Annie feel powerful at that time for Alisa had feelings towards her and not Cal.

But due to the sepration of their class in high school, Alisa soon lost her feelings towards Annie and gained, once again, feelings towards Cal. Cal on the other hand had feelings towards Annie, at that time.

Fast forward to today's time. Cal had finally accepted that he, indeed liked Alisa. He liked her. He was saddened to find out that in the time he was caught, Alisa had quickly fled and accepted the offer to work as a personal maid for prince from another kingdom.

Cal didn't have any right to be angry by this. It was his fault afterall, making the girl fall for him more, making her feel emotional pain, many times.

Annie soon followed Cal when he decided to search for Alisa. However Annie found that Cal, wasn't anywhere to be seen. Suprised her at most, it was very quick for him to have fled the town quite quickly. Alisa fled the town quickly as well.

Annie was going back to her house when she bumbed into a man, a boy? She doesn't really know. But the person she bumbed into had a mask and bleached hair. The man apologized to her and she did the same.

'Weird' she thought to herself, but decided to brush it off. She needed to find Cal, She can't let Alisa win. Not when her time has finally arrived.

---------E N D---------

another cringe one, amyway that's that. Welcome? Or not. byeee i still have class

469 words

Bored as F so Imma just write I guessWhere stories live. Discover now