Meeting Bill

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Jack stood around, holding a red cup with both hands like the doofus he was. Smelling it, (ew it smells bad like Amy)  he could tell Amy had probably used it for a high-heel placeholder more than once because it smelled like dog crap and sweat and Amy was always stepping in dog crap and sweating. He wondered who had the second placeholder heel. Sniffing around with his ultra amazing super awesome scent, it did not take him long to find the other crap cup: still on the table sitting near the punch, waiting for someone to come take it and taste the taste of retail work. And someone was about to take it. A boy who was thinner than Jack, and did not have a magnificent beard like him but made up for it with his acid green umbrella that looks like stock images but tolerable. "omg this chik is so cut i hav to stoop him from getting the other crap cup 😰💦" so jack ran over to the table and knocked the cup away from him in slow motion. He also screamed in slow motion like those kids channels on youtube "AAAAAOOOOOEEEEHHHH"
and he spilled that crap cup and its contents all over the floor (omg teach that cup whose boss u go king)
Bill was so angry about this, not knowing the cups dark past. "Omg wtf dude that was the last cup of fruit punch in this stinking (literally) party and u spilled it!!!1!!!1!! 😭🤭😰"
Jack breathed in a heavy sigh. "You don't know what i know... That cup has a very dark past... I can tell by smelling it..."
Bill was concerned. "O no what do u mean very dark past! Darker than what happened to amys toilet cleaner!!??1??!?"
Jack nodded. "May bee even worse... You see, Amy has used that thing for... A placeholder hi heel... And she steps in dog poop all the time and is very sweaty..."
Bill gasped with shock. "Omg then u saved me sempai!!1!1!1!1!!1" he jumped in jacks arms.
Jack was so ha pee. "Omg can i have ur numebur"
"Yes here and also i am the devil illuminati 666 pls vote for me 🤭🤭🤭" Bill said as he handed over a small strip of paper.
Jack smirked. "As long as ur not republican"

(JOKE) 17 is the number for us (bill wurtz x jack stauber)Where stories live. Discover now