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Led by the Nose Right After Transmigrating Chapter 1:
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Ruan Chiu Chiu was awakened by the sound of water.

She rubbed her eyes in confusion, and looked at the surroundings.

There is no doubt that this is a luxury suite in a hotel.

Rose petals are sprinkled on the soft white bed sheet, a glass of red wine is poured on the bed sheet, soaked in red. The bathroom glass is made of translucent frosted material, and a slender figure can be vaguely seen.

this is--

Ruan Chiu Chiu was even more confused.

Last night, she stayed up all night after reading a book full of rebirth essays, and fell asleep before she could complain. Who wants to come together and runs to a place that looks like a hotel inexplicably, and... is opening a room?

Ruan Chiu Chiu sat up and suddenly felt something wrong. As a flat-breasted girl, she has a heavy load on her chest. She has stiletto heels that she rarely wears. She has a pair of straight and slender legs on the side of the bed, but she didn’t leave it on her knees when she was six. Scar under.


She stretched out her hand unbelievably, opened her eyes in a daze, her gaze focused from distraction.

The fingers are slender, white, soft and boneless, and obviously well maintained. The gradual color nails are exquisite and beautiful, the fingertips are soft, and the skin color is so white that you can easily see the slender blood vessels on the back of the hand.

The family is rich, his fingers do not touch the sun and spring water, and he is beautiful, this is Ruan's first impression.

She was silent for a moment, picked up the phone and turned on the front camera.

The woman in the lens has thick eye makeup like dark circles. She wears false eyelashes with long eyelashes, exaggerated European and American style trim, purple cosmetic contact lenses, aunt-colored red lips, and old-fashioned ramen head. Under such a ruin, she can still vaguely glimpse the outline of her gorgeous facial features.

However, the aesthetic is horribly ugly.

The woman in the lens opened her eyes wide, with a look of horror, and the overly exaggerated cosmetic contact lenses looked scary and a little funny.

Ruan Chiu Chiu looked dull.


It's not her face! ! !

The phone fell to the floor with a thud, and the man coming out of the bathroom happened to see this scene. He is young, in his early twenties, with a handsome face, and a well-proportioned figure can be seen when wrapped in a bath towel.

He looked at Ruan Chiu, the corners of his lips curled up a bit disgustingly indifferent, but his eyes were familiar and tender.

"I'm done, when shall we start?"

Ruan Juu was stunned: "What started? Who are you?"

The other party was obviously impatient and stepped forward with a smile.

"Why, when you divorce Cheng Jun and take the money, don't you plan to recognize me?"

"Didn't you say you want to take money to marry me?"

"Don't you regret it again?"

He is a good hunter, knowing that every time the woman in front of him is stimulated, the other party will immediately surrender, coaxing him with a good voice, and even happy that he can offer to marry him.

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