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Led by the Nose Right After Transmigrating Chapter 41:
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The plan never keeps up with the changes.

Ruan Chiu Chiu had to temporarily put aside preparations for a birthday surprise for Cheng Jun.

Cheng Jun only said that it was because of work that he needed a business trip, and he accidentally hit the New Year's Day holiday. Ruan Chiu thought about how to keep the plan going, and he ate Dongzao chuckingly, one by one.

As a result, the next day Ruan Chiu Chiu went to work with a red acne on his eyebrows.


She surreptitiously took out a small mirror and took a look at her face. She had used concealer to cover her face if she knew it before. Now it's fine, a bright red acne. She was teased by Lao Meng for a long time, saying that she was a cinnabar mole from her previous life, so she should cherish it. .

Ruan Chuo had a sad face and was very unhappy.

When drawing in the afternoon, she placed a red eyebrow mole on the heroic heroine. Lao Meng glanced at it and said, "Oh, this is a bit interesting."

Ruan Zhuozhuo expressionlessly: "Please be kind to every woman with a cinnabar mole."

Old Meng laughed loudly.

In the evening, Fat Bird first sent a Weibo.

[Little fairy with acne [heart]]

The picture is still black and white. The chivalrous girl sitting on the big tree branch stepped on the tree branch with one foot and a piece of grass in the corner of her mouth. She was in a daze. The only difference in color is a bright red cinnabar mole on her forehead, as if the whole painting was alive with it.

In just an hour, there were tens of thousands of comments. Hahaha is cute in one water.

Ruan Jujuu set the line draft as an avatar.

The secretary sent a message to Ruan Jiu-chuo, saying that Tu Nan had just attended a meeting and was sitting in the office dealing with affairs, so he could talk to Ruan Jiu-chuu. After receiving the news, Ruan Chuo ran to Tu Nan's office.

Tu Nan was still an elite for one second, and the next second, when he saw Ruan Chiu, he instantly became a shameless licking dog.

"Sister-in-law, you are so beautiful today. Sister-in-law, sit down quickly. Sister-in-law, what do you want to drink? Sister-in-law, are you busy with work lately? Sister-in-law..."

Ruan Chiu: "Stop, stop, stop!"

She was almost stunned by Tu Nan's sister-in-laws.

Tu Nan returned to seriousness in a second: "Is there a problem at work?"

"Uh, no, it's actually a private matter."

Tu Nan secretly murmured that he and his wife were engaged in a cold war again, pulling a chair and sitting across from Ruan Chiu Chiu, making a respectful look: "You said."

Ruan Juche asked carefully, "Why is Cheng Jun going on a business trip on New Year's Day?"

New Year's Day? On business trip?

Tu Nan was stunned.

He never received the news that Cheng Jun was going on a business trip. What's more, how could the boss be on a business trip at this time. He is the person who is the least willing to move. If there is no other person to do it, he would rather be too lazy to not cooperate.

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