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Led by the Nose Right After Transmigrating Chapter 36:
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If the other party wants Jiacheng's original painting, then give him the original painting, as Cheng Jun said.

It's just that... the original painting to be given is a concept map that was negated in plan A before, and it is no longer active.

Sent to the door to find death, without earning their money, it's hard to make a living. After Ruan Chiu-chuo had a good talk with Cheng Jun, he had a small meeting with Tu Nan Lao Meng and the others. Lao Meng decided which pictures should be given, and badly gave some design manuscripts that he disliked the most.

After discussing the details, Ruan Jue-cho sent Lin Li a message: "I have got the things. When shall we meet?"

Lin Li was extremely excited when he received the news.

On the same day, he made an appointment with Ruan Juechu to go to the last dessert shop. He also instructed Ruan Juejou to be careful not to be found by the company's people, so Ruan Juejue naturally agreed.

The cold wind is still lingering today, Ruan Chiu-chuu was trembling with freezing, and when she arrived at the dessert shop, she saw the chubby figure at a glance, and it was Lin Li. Lin Li was eating a piece of cake with cream on his face and didn't know it. Ruan Chiu raised his lips, walked up to him, and smiled slightly.

She looked at Linley as if she was looking at a pile of small money puffs, how cute she looked.

She laughed.

Although Lin Li was used to seeing beauties in the mall, he was a little embarrassed to be caught in embarrassment by Ruan Chiu, especially when the other party looked at him with a smile.

Lin Li quickly picked up a tissue and wiped his mouth, letting Ruan Chuchuo sit down.

"You order something."

Ruan Jiao ordered a cup of bubble tea to warm his hands.

Lin Li asked, "That thing—"

Ruan Juju raised his eyebrows: "You have to collect it, it is not easy for me to get this thing." It took a long time to choose.

"Of course."

Ruan Chuchu put the USB flash drive on the table and pushed it over, Lin Li quickly picked it up and wiped it carefully several times, then put it in his black briefcase. Ruan Chuo was a little funny watching his extremely careful movements.

Lin Li said: "Now I will pay you three million, and we will have to wait for our company to move on to the next step."

Ruan Chiu's eyelids lifted, and for a moment his expression looked like Cheng Jun, his sharp eyebrows were slightly raised, and even his tone was leisurely and gentle: "You don't want to violate the agreement."

"of course not!"

Lin Li's goose bumps all rose up after she stared at him so much, and immediately waved his hand.

"If we get the fake picture, won't we lose it in vain? So, wait for us..."

"Sorry, I don't have the patience. I can only wait until you announce the concept map of the game at most."

Ruan Chiu-chuu folded his shoulders and folded his legs: "Or you can choose to refuse. Our last conversation has been recorded by me. If you don't give money, I will expose it to Jiacheng. Whose money is not earned? You say is not it?"

Lin Li wiped his cold sweat: "I have to go back and discuss it."

Ruan Chiu said with a smile, "I advise you to think clearly, as far as I know, Jiacheng is not a few days away from the official announcement."

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