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Led by the Nose Right After Transmigrating Chapter 101:
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The first time he heard the news, Ruan Juju subconsciously looked at Cheng Jun.

He was holding Melisu’s bag in one hand, and when he answered the phone, he accidentally shook several of them. Melisu, who had slipped on the ground, was strangely matched with Xiaofan’s voice, as if matching a funny and sad voice. stage show.

Cheng Jun froze for a moment. There was no expression on his face, and he looked indifferent. The first reaction was to pick up the fallen Melisu and throw it into the trash can.

The screen of the phone is on.

Xiao Fan was still waiting for Cheng Jun's answer on the other end of the phone. There was noisy movement from the hospital on the other end of the phone, and it seemed that family members were arguing with the doctor, making the office more and more silent.

Cheng Jun slowly put Melisu's bag on the table, and then said, "Cremation."

It's like finalizing a business, simply and neatly.


On the way to accompany Cheng Jun, the two continued to remain silent.

The body of Cheng's father was transported to the crematorium for cremation. The crematorium was not far from where they were, but it was only a 20-minute drive away.

When I got out of the car, several middle-aged people stood at the door with different expressions on the faces of men and women. They must have been anxious too. Compared with the simple dresses of Ruan Chichu and Cheng Jun, they looked more glamorous.

Ruan Juchu subconsciously grabbed Cheng Jun's sleeve.

"It's not that I said, nephew, you said you want to cremate your dad, why didn't you tell us?" A woman with a slightly fat figure and high cheekbones stepped on Hengtiangao, symbolically wiped the corners of her eyes. I am sorry that he has never enjoyed a blessing in his entire life. When he grows old, his son is promising. Who would have thought that he had left so early."

"Yes, it's a pity."

Judging from their expressions and expressions, Ruan Chiu-chiu didn't feel that they were sorry for the dead, but for the money they didn't enjoy.

Cheng Jun treated them as air throughout the whole process and walked towards the door blindly.

Xiao Fan walked out first, supported the gold wire-framed glasses with his fingers, holding a briefcase between his elbows, and walking to the two of them in a polite manner: "Boss, madam."

Ruan Juju nodded: "Uncle Cheng now?"

"It has been arranged, and the cremation will begin in a while."

Several people hurriedly followed and spoke with Cheng Jun. When Jiacheng was exposed, they couldn't sit still one by one.

In the early years, they were nothing more than a well-off family. Cheng's father wandered outside. Not only did he marry a flowery beauty, he also made a fortune. He even succeeded in starting a business and found a place in the steel jungle.

There were so many cold talks, and now how many people are swarming to take advantage. At the beginning, Cheng's father would be able to help. Later, Cheng's father was a violent temper. He couldn't bear it and broke out. After a riot, he broke contact with them.

For so many years, some of them have made small fortunes in business, and some of them have made sugar daddys. In short, they lived well. I heard that Cheng's father and his wife were scattered, smirking at the jokes one by one, only saying that he was retribution. Hearing that Cheng's father had a problem, I even attributed it to Cheng's father doing too many bad things in his early years.

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