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Home » Led by the Nose Right After Transmigrating LBNRAT » Chapter 11:
Led by the Nose Right After Transmigrating Chapter 11:
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Ruan Zhuozhuo had a nightmare.

In the dream, she was pinched tightly by the heroine Xu Biying's neck, unable to breathe, and her lungs hurt. Ruan Chiu Chiu struggled helplessly, and heard Xu Biying yelling in her ear: "You give me back my white moonlight! Give me the bamboo horse! Give it back! Give it to me!"

Ruan Chiu Chiu woke up suddenly, sweating profusely.

The suffocation in the neck still existed. Ruan Chiu froze for a while, and touched his throat, only to realize that it was estimated that he slept unsteadily last night. He even let the pillow wrap around his neck to restrain his neck, no wonder he couldn't breathe in dreams. .

Ruan Chuo: "..."

Really, stupid enough.

Outside, there was a patter of light rain, the yellow leaves were trampled in the mud, and people's mood became a bit bad.

Ruan Zhuochuo took a shower. The house was quiet and there was no one. Cheng Jun probably went out. He ate a few slices of bread in the refrigerator and missed a box of milk. In the morning when Ruan Chuo-chuu didn't get up early, he would do it like this.

Ruan Chiu Chiu is still a little puzzled, do I still need to get up so early in the house? This guy is a strange person who can go to bed and get up early and work regularly, but refuses to eat well.

When I have nothing to do in my free time, Ruan Jiao Jiao logs into the game.

People in the gang were chatting in a group, laughing and laughing, Ruan Jiao immediately turned into a bird's nest scene as soon as he went online.

"Choo Choo Choo!"

"Choo Choo Choo!"

"Choo Choo Choo!"

Tweeted tweeted: ...I almost don't recognize this word.

She handled the spam smoothly, but saw that there was an additional item in the friend's application, the name was "Music Travel".

Ruan Chiu: "..." How come this guy is suddenly consumed with her.

She refused decisively and continued to play the game as if she was okay. The white dragon horses that we talked about yesterday were all there, and they took Ruan Chuchuu to do the task very enthusiastically. Ruan Chuchuu was accompanied by masters. The upgrade speed was fast and the atmosphere was very pleasant.

Everyone talked a lot, and someone asked how old Ruan was. She only said that she was freelance and emphasized that she was married.

Bai Longma: Chiu Chiu sister, you open the wheat, everyone can talk with voice.

Ruan Chiu Chiu didn't want to expose too many details, and went vaguely, saying that her voice was not good.

When she refused, suddenly, a soft voice came in: "What are you talking about?"

Ruan Chiu Tweet saw the ID, his eyelids twitched. Qingfeng Biying, the real heroine Xu Biying.

Xu Biying seemed to be hostile to her, and she kept pulling Ruan Chuo to chat, trying to figure out who she was. Ruan Chiu Chiu was a little annoyed by her offensive, but he really found everyone interesting and didn't want to leave the gang.

At this time Ruan Chiu Chiu regretted a little bit. He had known that he played the male account and would not have so much trouble.

Several other girls in the gang hurriedly helped Ruan Chiu to block, and Xu Biying's girlfriends were not good at them either, so they helped.

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