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Home » Led by the Nose Right After Transmigrating LBNRAT » Chapter 81:
Led by the Nose Right After Transmigrating Chapter 81:
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Ruan Jujuu was a little confused by Cheng Jun's action.

She originally thought that Cheng Jun would ignore her when she was frightened, but now it doesn't seem to be the case?

Ruan Chuo was a little funny: "Why do you want to break up?"

Cheng Jun: "..."

The word "naive" still echoed in his mind, but Boss Cheng couldn't say anything. Ruan Chiu in front of him smiled and smiled, not even unhappy or impatient: "Are you uncomfortable? Don't think too much, let's make it clear what's the matter."

Cheng Jun asked nonchalantly: "Do you hate me?"

Ruan Chiu Chiu was asked a little at a loss: "Why should I hate you?"

well. Don't hate him, rounding up is equivalent to liking him.

Cheng Jun stared at Ruan Chuchuu silently. When Ruan Chuchu and Zhang Er couldn't figure out his mind, he stood up and walked in front of Ruan Chuchu.

Ruan Chiu: "???"

What is he doing?

Cheng Jun suddenly stretched out his arms towards Ruan Juchu, still exuding a very sad breath. He said dullly, "Hold me."

At that moment, Ruan Jiaozhuo was hit by some kind of wonderful electric current, which made her heart soften uncontrollably, and her aunt's heart overflowed. Cheng Jun continued the posture with his hands outstretched, waiting for her gentle soothing, his expression was horribly obedient, and still a little pitiful in the funeral.

Ruan Chiu chirped and smiled, eyebrows crooked.

Her attitude suddenly softened, half amused and half helplessly opened her arms back to hug Cheng Jun. Her soft body pressed against his body, her slender arms hugged his back and patted comfortably. Cheng Jun tied her waist, tightened the strength of her hands, and buried her face on her shoulders.

His sniffles are so good that Ruan Chiu-cho smells.

Ruan Chiu Chiu's body seemed to have no bones, and his whole body was very soft, and he felt very good when he hugged him. Cheng Jun suddenly understood why some people like human-shaped pillows so much.

Ruan Chiu Chiu was almost out of breath. Her chest was squeezing Cheng Jun's chest, the space was too tight to breathe. Ruan Chiu Chiu had to remind him: "Well, let go, I won't be able to get angry anymore."

"..." Cheng Jun protested with silence.

In the end, Ruan Jiaozhuo was still hugged firmly. Had it not been for Lao Meng to send a message to ask her where she was, Ruan Jiaoyu would probably be carried to the wild by Cheng Jun.

The tenderness of a embrace is not the same as a kiss. When the two embraced each other, they seemed to show themselves to each other at a glance, revealing all the tenderness and emotions, this kind of unsuspecting calmness fascinated people.

Ruan Chiu Chiu not only doesn't hate Cheng Jun like this, on the contrary, she likes it very much.

"The rice is going to be cold, eat it quickly."

When he returned to his seat, Cheng Jun's breath of mourning disappeared. He opened the lunch box and took a bite of the meal. Ruan Chuchu remembered that he was not disgusted with this spicy chicken, which made the driver fill up a lot. He ate the food slowly, watching Ruan Chuchu feel happy.

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