Chapter 1: Adventure Begins

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Teardrop's POV

Today's gonna be a great day! The reason being is because we are going on a Pirate Adventure! I've been planing this trip for awhile now, and I'm very excited to go. Now of course, I don't want to go alone, so that is why I brought some others along for the ride! Now you might be asking yourself, what exactly is the point of this adventure, and to tell you the truth, life is pretty boring in the ruins. I mean think about it, what even is their to do, besides staying in your house all day?

Now another thing you might be asking is who is coiming along with me on this adventure. Well I'm bringing my Allince members/friends Gelatin and Lollipop, Some others who just wanted to come along, like Flower, Ruby, and Blocky, and my boyfr- I mean good friend Woody. 

Now, for the past few months, I have been making a great Pirate ship all by me-self. I think it looks great. I hope I built it properly, because we are gonna be spending a few month out at sea, and if it breaks...let's just say it's not gonna be good. Well time to get the rest of the crew and we shall be out to sea.

Lollipop's POV

So apparently today we are going on some sort of great pirate adventure, but to be completely honest, I came along a different reason...I want to know what's going on between Teardrop and Woody. You see...back in BFB, I noticed that Teardrop was had been looking at Woody in a Interesting way....And Woody has been acting strange too. Everytime Woody looked at her, he would start blushing. And whenever Teardrop noticed, instead of getting angry or annyoed, she would just smile and wink at him. So I think there might be more going on between them. Hmm, Perhaps I should as Woody about it.

Woody's POV

Oh's is going to be both awesome and kind of worrying. You see...let's just and Teardrop are "more than friends" But no one knows and we plan on keeing it that way. I think it would be best if it stayed a secret between me and her. No one else knows, not even our best friends know. The reason this could be worrying, is that me and her are gonna share a room and maybe that could be suspisious to the others. Wait, Lollipop and coming up to me, what could she want?

Lollipop: Woody?

Me: Y-Yeah...?

Lollipop: May I ask you a question my friend..?

Me: O-Okay...

Lollipop: Well this might be a personal question, but are you seeing someone? If you know what I mean.

Oh god! I think she might be catching on. Okay...I need to calm down and be smart about this.

Me: Well...not at the moment, but maybe one day.

Lollipop: Well I mean there are alot of people out there Woody..Like, oh I don't know...Teardrop.

I slightly blush as she mentions her name, but I have to try my best to play it cool and end the conversation as quickly as possible.

Me: Listen Lollipop, I'd like to continue our conversation, but I have to get on board, and you should too. So talk to you later!

Lollipop: Okay...I guess.

I think I handled that well. I sigh and got onto the ship. I hope this trip doesn't end up badly.

Lollipop's POV

Well that was such an interesting conversation I had with Woody back there. I could tell he was trying to keep it cool but I think I can tell he definently hiding something. I think I could talk to Teardrop later, that maybe I could get all the information I need to see if what I thought all this time was true. But I think we can hold that off for now. Maybe I should just have fun on this silly little pirate adventure...for now.

3rd Person POV

As everyone boarded onto the ship, a sense of wonder and adventure was felt and everyone seemed to be in a great mood. Even though it might seem like just a silly idea on the surface, there was clearly a sense of wonder and excitment. As the ship left the dock, everyone was ready for open seas and prepared for what was to come. It might be awhile before they find something vauluble, but as one person once said, sometimes its not always about the destination, but the journey it takes to get there.

Hello guys, thanks for reading. I know I havent posted anything in awhile, but I think I'm back and ready. If yall have any suggestions please comment them down below. Thanks for reading and jellyboi1 out.

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