Chapter 7: Thrown off

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Lollipop: Wait no! You can't do this to me! Don't you realize how much I've done for all of you!? Your all selfish pieces of shit! And to the viewers, Fuck you!

Teardrop: ......You done...?

Lollipop: Fine! Just throw me off already!

And with that...Teardrop and the others tied her up and threw her off the plank into the freezing cold water below...

Gelatin: Uhm...isn't this technically murder if she dies?

Teardrop: Meh who cares? She was an asshole anyway...

Gelatin: ...Okay...

It was getting late now so the crew decided to call it a night and head to bed, however unbeknownst to them...Lollipop wasn't gonna let her self sink to the bottom of the she was thrashing underneath the cold harsh waters, she started to wiggle free from the ropes....and eventually the ropes were loose enough to untie herself, however she had to move quick since she was definitely starting to run out of oxygen and would surely drown if she were to stay another minute under the water. Luckily, she was able to untie herself quickly and was able to untie herself and eventually made it to the surface and let out a deep breath and found herself deserted on an island.

Lollipop: *Coughs* Well ain't this just great? First I get tossed off a pirate ship, almost drown to death, and now I don't even know where the hell I am. Ain't my life just the best? >:/

She then got up and started to wander around...The island was huge and filled with many different trees and strangely enough....

A casino?

Lollipop: Okay...what island has a casino? This is just weird...

After a bit more discovering she found some hotels and hell, even a five star restaurant....Then Lollipop had a realization....

Lollipop: Wait a I where I think I am?

Lollipop then ran into a sign and the sign read...

Lollipop: O_O....Holy shit....I'm at THE Dream

Lollipop was at a lost for words. What were the odds that she would find herself in the Dream Island?  It was almost like a dream because of all the flashing lights and pretty colors. Lollipop decided to find a resting place and slowly fell asleep, and in the morning she would explore the island some more.

It was the middle of the night and Gelatin couldn't fall asleep no matter what he did...even though Lollipop was a jerk, she was still his girlfriend and he missed her...he also started to regret throwing her off the ship and not even trying to defend honestly made him feel like a piece of shit...he decided to maybe go talk to Teardrop and it might make him feel better...So he got up and started to walk to her room, however because it was midnight she was asleep and when Gelatin walked in she saw Teardrop cuddling up next to Woody, and it reminded Gelatin more of him and Lollipop. It just made him miss her even more. He decided to go back to his room and tried to go to sleep...

Lollipop woke up from her sleep and decided to start exploring more of the island. She got up and started to walk around and saw a lot of robot assistance doing things such as cleaning up...building and things like that. She was amazed that this island was built in the first place considering how expensive it was. She also questioned why would the announcer give the island away for free when he could've just sold it and make a bunch of's almost like if something more suspicious was going on, like what if the island was a scam or something of that nature.

Lollipop: I find it strange how anyone could even give away this island...let alone giving it away for free. Maybe the announcer had a lot of money, but then again he would alway complain about how they had to cut the not...but honestly it doesn't really matter but I am quite curious about the origins of this island.

After hours of exploring nothing too interesting was found. She decided to go back to those hotels and maybe rent a room for awhile...however as she was heading back, she tripped and fell on something that was sticking out of the ground.

Lollipop: Ow...what the hell?

She turned and noticed it was a little bottle and she picked it up, and inside was a note. She tipped over the bottle and grabbed the note from inside. She opened it up and the note read the following. (Inside this island something is hiding and it is rare and whomever found this note, you are in luck because I will give you the first hint. The way to find what you need is something that hangs from a tree...good luck)

Lollipop couldn't believe it...she found a note that had a clue to something that is valuable however she did have her doubts

Lollipop: hmm I'm not so sure of the validity of this note...after all it could just be a scam...but then's not like I have much else to do so...why not? Now about this clue...what hangs from trees...?

She thought about it and she was drawing blanks on what it could be...leaves couldn't be the answer since it would probably be too obvious. It could be vines since how would you be able to fit a clue inside of a vine...however the then had a thought...

Lollipop: Wait! I've got it!

She climbed a tree and on the trees were coconuts. She started to break open the coconuts and after awhile she found another note inside and it lead to the second clue to this  scavenger hunt to find the prize.

Hey guys thanks for reading this chapter. Sorry for taking so long to make this chapter. Lost motivation and just forgot about it. However I'm gonna try and update this story more often so see you in the next chapter, hopefully soon.

Thanks for reading and jellyboi1 out!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2022 ⏰

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