Chapter 2: Out At Sea

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Blocky's POV

Oh boy, this might have been a mistake. Alright so if I'm being honest, the only reason I came is because Woody wouldn't stop begging me to come along. Look...I get it, being out at sea can be kind of scary and upsetting, but 2 things. 1 he has other friends on this pirate ship besides me and 2, I'm pretty sure he's just fine right now, But I guess its to leave because we are already out at sea, and if I try to swim back, I'll problably just get eaten by something anyway..hmm well if I'm gonna be stuck on this ship for at the very least a month, might as well have some fun while I'm at it...

Flower's POV

So I guess we are out at sea huh? Nothing to look at besides endless oceans and skys and nothing really to do that involoves technology. This is gonna be long and boring...One reason I wanted to spend time with Ruby, she is my best friend after all, but another and the bigger reason is because I want to make friends with the newbie alliance. Well I guess I'm already friends with Gelatin, but the others not so much. To be honest, part of me regrets coming here, but I guess its already too late to leave. So I guess what I'm trying to say is, did I make a mistake coming here? I guess that's to be determined.

Ruby's POV

OMG! I LOVE IT OUT HERE! We are on this Pirate ship thats so incredible! And best of all I get to spend this trip with my bestie Flower! Okay... maybe I should calm down a little bit, but to be honest I'm so excited I could scream, but then again I don't know how much the others would appreiciate me screaming right now...Anyway I just hope that nothing bad happens on this trip because if so, then I'll also scream, but not for a good reason. Anyway I think I should go talk to Flower cause I think she's pretty great.

Me: Hey Flower!

Flower: Oh hey Ruby...

I notice she is looking a little upset at something.

Me: Flower is something wrong..?

Flower: Ruby can I ask you a very important question..?

Me: Ask me anything buddy!

Flower: Well do you think I made the right choice by coming along on this adventure?

I am confused. What makes her think this was a bad choice?

Me: Well why do you say that Flowey?

Flower: Because I mean think about it. First of all what is there even to do out here?

Me: Well we can hang out, play board games, chat, among other things!

Flower: Well you got me there, but one of the main reasons I came, was so that I could make friends with the others, mainly the newbie alliance. But apart of my thinks that it could be all for nothing.

Me: Well I'm pretty sure they'll be willing to be friends with you, so what else is there to be unsure about

Flower: But what if they aren't willing Ruby? What if they don't want to be friends? What if this was all a terrible idea and I make enemies instead of friends?

Me: Flower I think you might be overreacting just a tiny bit, don't you think?

Flower: Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. I'm just really nervious okay?

Me: Flower I understand that, but I think maybe you should just calm down and really think about this okay?

That made her calm down abit and start to calm down.

Flower: Okay, I think you might have a point Ruby, I just really need to think about this on my own. I'll talk to you later.

Me: Okay, talk to you later too.

I hope she feels better soon and maybe stop thinking this was a bad idea.

Gelatin's POV

You know...To be honest, I kind of came along the ship for 2 reasons. Reason 1 was because I want to be with my friends ofc, but reason number 2 was because....I want to confess to Lollipop. I know, she problably won't be into me but I just need to get it off my chest, and plus, even if I get rejected, nothing bad will happen. But the thing is, I don't even know If I can confess, because Lolli is to worried about figuring out if there is something going on between Woody and Teardrop, and to be honest it's driving me crazy! She doesn't even really talk to us unless its about that. To be honest I really could care less. You know what, I've made up my mind, I'm going to confront her about this, and I think I might even do it at dinner. Yeah...that's exactly what I'll do.

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