Chapter 6: Take The Pirate Ship

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Woody and Teardrop were finnaly coming back from the hospital ship after Woody's stitches. They were ready to take back the ship after Lollipop took over it? They had a planned hatched however, part of the plan would reveal their relationship, however both of them accpeted it and came to terms with it. As they both arived back at the Pirate Ship, they had the plan all planned out.


Lollipop's Pov

So today, those 2 daters have came back to the pirate ship. It's been a tough week without them, esspecially bitch boy, since it's been so hard having to do things by myself. Anyway, ever since they left. Gelatin confessed to me about his feelins, and I also confessed, so I guess we are dating now. Other than that not much has happpened since. Anyway as they finnally came back, I need to talk to them.

Me: Hey bitch boy get over here!

Woody, didn't listen to me and was walking away.

Me: I said, hey bitch boy!

Woody still didn't listen and continued walking. I started to walk closer to him.

Me: Bitch boy, If you don't listen to me, I'm gonna kick your a-

All of a sudden I felt a pain to my leg. When I looked down, I saw Teardrop biting on my leg extremly hard. It hurt likes hell! I tried to kick her off me, but she just clamped down even harder, I started to scream since as she bit down harder. Blood started to stream down my leg as tears were also starting to stream down my face. Finally, she stop biting and told me.

Teardrop: Don't you EVER, mess with me or my boyfriend AGAIN!

They are going to pay for this, I'm gonna tell everyone!

3rd Person POV

So it was Dinner time and everyone was eating, but there was even more tension then last time. Everyone was silent, and they knew that something was defenantly brewing. Suddenly Teardrop stood up like she had something to say.

Teardrop: Guys I have an announcement.

Everyone was currious to what she had to say.

Gelatin: Well what is it Teardrop?

Suddenly Teardrop grabbed Woody by the hand and kissed him right in front of everyone! The others were im shock and gasped. Then Teardrop told the following.

Teardrop: Me and Woody are dating. If you support it great, if you don't then that's fine too. In fact I know most of you problably don't. So go ahead, make fun of us.

Then there was silents....





And then the rest of them started to complament them.

Gelatin: Well congragulations you 2!

Blocky: Yeah nice catch Woody.

Ruby: I ship it!

Flower: Nice job you guys!

Lollipop in her mind: *Oh god! Theres no point in black mailing them now, im screwed*

Teardrop then continued.

Teardrop: With that being said. Another thing I wanted to say was, Lollipop has been Blackmailing us and forcing us to be her slaves!

There were more gasps from them, especially Gelatin.

Gelatin: L-L-Lollipop, is this true?

Lollipop: No! Of course not! Teardrop's a damn liar!

Teardrop: Really? You want to lie right now?

Lollipop was just silent. Until she just admited it.


The rest were very dissapointed in her.

Gelatin: Lollipop you should be ashamed of yourself!

Flower: Yeah Lollipop! Not even I would do this durring the first season!

Ruby: Flower is right. That is very wrong to blackmail people.

Blocky: Yeah! You can't blackmail my friend Woody!

Teardrop: You know what? I know the perfect punishment for you.

Lollipop: W-What are you gonna do to me...?


Gelatin: Yeah walk the plank!

Woody: I agree. You should walk the plank.


Then suddenly they all grabbed her and forced her onto the plank.

Teardrop: Lollipop! Do ye have any last words before ye walk the plank?

Lollipop: P-Please you cant do this to me! Can you please give me another chance?

Teardrop: Hmmm. How about we leave it up to the readers if they want to give you another chance?

Lollipop: Y-Yes please! Anything I don't want to walk the plank!

Teardrop: Alright..Readers, should Lollipop walk the plank?

Should Lollipop walk the plank?

[A] Yes

[B] No

Hello readers. Now its up to you. Do you want Lollipop walk the plank? Well if so then vote yes, otherwise vote no. Also comment below what you want to see in the next chapter. Thanks for reading and until next chapter. Jellyboi1 out.

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