Chapter 3: An Interesting Dinner

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Note: Teardrop is using Sign Language

3rd Person POV

It was around 7 pm when the crew sat down to have dinner. It was a bit awkward since some of them didn't really talk all that much. It clear something was up with almost everyone. Everyone was silent for a bit until Lollipop decided to speak up.

Lollipop: So Teardrop, you seeing anyone recently?

Teardrop: What do you mean?

Lollipop: You know...Do you have a Boyfriend?

Teardrop had a very small blush on her face.

Teardrop: N-Not at the moment.

It was at this time Gelatin Decided to speak up.

Gelatin: Okay Lollipop, I need to ask you a very importatnt question.

Lollipop: What is it Jelly?

Gelatin took a deep breath and said,

Geltain: Why do you care so much about finding out if something is going on between Woody and Teardrop?

There was a Gasp from just about everyone at the table.

Woody: Wait, is that why you where trying to talk to me earlier?

Lollipop: Well um...Y-You see.

Teardrop was very upset that Lollipop was trying to expose their personal lives for no reason.

Teardrop: Lollipop, Tell us right now, or I swear I'll throw you off this ship!

Lollipop: Oh really? And how so? Your arms are so small they problably can't even reach me!

Gelatin: Lollipop! You realize your talking like that to not only the captin but also our friend!

Lollipop: Oh and what are YOU gonna do about it Shorty?

Gelatin: Lollipop, what has gotten into you?

Lollipop: Nothing has you idiot! I'm just the same Lollipop from all those days ago. But back to my point. Teardrop how about you tell us about your relationship with Woody!

Teardrop: For the last Time, WE ARE JUST FRIENDS!

Woody: Lollipop she's right. Please just let it go.

Lollipop: I call BS! What is with the looks you 2 gave eachother back in BFB?!

Woody: Those are just Looks Lollipop. They don't mean anything. What are You just upset that Gelatin never looks at you like that?

Another gasp could be heard from Lollipop. Gelatin was also sitting there with a slight blush on his face.

Lollipop: You little brown bastard! Take that back!

Woody: No...I don't think I will.

Ruby was tired of them arguing and tried to calm them down.

Ruby: Hey guys please stop arguing, how about we just eat instead?

The 4 of them: Stay out of this Ruby!

That made Ruby a bit sad and she cried alittle. Of course, this caused Flower to be very upset.

Flower: HEY! You can't talk about my best friend like that!

Lollipop: Well maybe tell your friend to mind her own business!

While they all continued to arguing over dumb stuff and Ruby was crying, Blocky just sat there and watched. He didn't want to stop it since it was too much fun for him. This stupid argument continued until Woody just stood up and walk away, soon followed by everyone else. Blocky waited until everyone else left, and just started to laugh hysterically.


Woody was in the room and was just pacing around back in forth, clearly thinking of something. He was very nevious and unsure too. He was in his thoughts that he didn't even notice when Teardrop came inside the room. When he did notice her he was a bit freaked out.

Woody: AHHH! Oh....Its just you Teardrop...

Teardrop: Woody is something wrong?

Woody: Yes.

Teardrop: Well are you gonna tell me?

Woody: Okay...Well can I ask you a question?

Teardrop: Sure...ask me anything.

Woody: Well why are we trying to keep our relationship a secret anyway?

Teardrop had to think about that for a moment.

Teardrop: Well It's because we don't want to be made fun of remember?

Woody: Oh right...But to be honest I'm also worried.

Teardrop: Hmmm? About what?

Woody: Well I think it's because Lollipop is onto us and she's only moments away from finding out about us and exposing us to everyone!

Teardrop: Well maybe she's just joking.

Woody: .....You're joking with me right...?

Teardrop: Okay look I get it, but why is she doing this anyway..? What could she possibally gain anyway? 

Woody: Thats what I'm trying to figure out myself, and no matter what I've came up with, it still doesn't make that much sence...

Teardrop: Well I don't think we should worry about it too much or too hard.

Woody: And why is that..?

Teardrop: Well because even if she finds out, and even if we get exposed or anything like that is to happen to us, one thing is still for sure...

Woody: And what might that one thing be?

Teardrop: We are still here for eachother... :)

She then wrapped her arms tight around her and pulled him into a kiss. However while they where doing that...The door was still unlocked..

And as if on que the door opened to reveal





Wow a cliffhanger, how original. Anyway thanks for reading, remember to comment below what you thought of this chapter and what you would like to see next chapter, but until then, Jellyboi1 out!

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