Chapter 4: Blackmailed

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As soon as the door open, Teardrop and Woody immediately stopped what they were doing and blushed madly. Lollipop was coming to apologize but instead, she got more.

Lollipop: Well well well, what do we got here?

Teardrop: L-L-Lollipop, get out!

Lollipop: Hmm, how about no?

Teardrop: L-Lollipop I said get out!

Lollipop: And what are you gonna do if I don't hmm?

Teardrop was next level mad.

Teardrop: If you don't get out, I-I-I'll

Lollipop: You'll what hmm?

Teardrop: I'll make ye walk the plank!

Lollipop: Oh wow, so scared, I'm practially terrified. It doesn't matter anyway, I'll just tell everyone else about what I saw. And just to make sure, I already took  a photo.

Teardrop: N-No Lollipop, don't!

Lollipop: Oh...Begging I see? What's the matter Teardrop, you scared?

That's when Woody decided to speak up.

Woody: L-Lollipop, why are you doing this? 

Lollipop: Oh it's not much, just trying to expose ya'll.

Woody: But why!?

Lollipop: Because I feel like it!

Teardrop: Lollipop don't show that picture to anyone, please I'm begging you! I'll do anything!

Woody: Yes I agree I'll do anything too!

Lollipop: Oh, anything?

Both of them: Yes anything.

Lollipop: Well first off, Teardrop I wan't to be the captain, so give over the captain hat, and everything else and I also want this room.

Teardrop reluctantly gave all of her captain stuff to Lollipop.

Lollipop: Now since this isn't your room anymore, get out! You can have my old room, and make sure to tell Gelatin this is his new room now.

They where both walking out when Lollipop suddenly grabbed Woody's arm.

Lollipop: Hey where do you think you're going?

Woody: You said for us to get out.

Lollipop: No I told her to get out. You on the other hand aren't going anywhere yet.

Woody: What are you gonna do to me?

Lollipop: Well you are gonna be my servent for this entire trip, whenever I call you, you are to help me with anything I tell you, understood.

Woody: Yes Lollipop.

Lollipop: Also you are to call me "your majesty" You got that bitch boy?

Woody: Bitch boy? Who the hell are you calling bitch boy?

Lollipop: Hey, no back talking mr. Otherwise This photo will go out to everyone.

Woody: Fine.

Lollipop: And for your first order of business, go make me a sandwitch bitch boy.

Woody: *growns* Alright your majesty.

Lollipop: Oh..I'm gonna enjoy this.

The next Morning

It was the second day out at sea, and already a lot has happened since they first got on. Tensions where already even though it was only day 2. During breakfast, Teardrop made an announcement.

Teardrop: Guys, I have to announce something.

Gelatin: What is it Teardrop?

Teardrop: As of today, I am no longer your captain of this ship, Lollipop is.

Gasps of shock could be heard around the table.

Flower: But why Teardrop? Didn't you make this ship?

Teardrop desperatly wanted to say why and wanted this to already end, but alas she couldn't.

Teardrop: That cannot be disclosed unfortunatly.

As everyone ate, they relized that Woody, was not eating with them.

Blocky: Hey guys, has anyone seen Woody?

Lollipop: Oh I know where he is, watch this.

Lollipop started to ring a bell and call Woody's name. Suddenly Woody came out and he was wearing a maid outfit.

Lollipop: Oh there you are Woody, what took so long?

Woody didn't say a word and just looked dead inside. Suddenly, the entire table besides Teardrop, errupted into a roar of laughter.

Blocky: H-Hey Woody, liking the outfit?

Flower: Oh my gardener Woody, you look hillarious!

Gelatin: O-Or should we call you, Maid Woody!

As much as Woody wanted to die of emberrasment or at the very least stop the tourture, he knew he couldn't do anything about it, otherwise Lollipop would show everyone the picture. The only thing he could say was,

Woody: How may I serve you your majesty?

Lollipop: Well bitch boy, I would like for you to fetch me some water from the kitchen please.

Woody: As you wish.

Then Woody walked off to do as he was told.

Gelatin: Wait, Lollipop, why is he doing this for you.

Lollipop: Well let's just say, we had a deal.

Gelatin: Well what was that deal anyway?

Lollipop: Well let's just say, if he did something for me, I'd something for him.

Gelatin: Huh...interesting.

After Breakfast

Woody and Teardrop where in their new room, and they finally has some alone time together all day.

Woody: Teardrop, I feel like we've made a big mistake.

Teardrop: You can say that again, I mean, Today has been awful so far, and It's only like 10:00 am.

Woody: Teardrop do you know if, or how we can ever get out of this?

Teardrop: No clue Woody, I think we just have to deal with it for now

Woody: Teardrop?

Teardrop: Yes Woody? 

Woody: Since we are alone, you wanna do something?

Teardrop: I dunno, I'm really tired because I barley got any sleep last night.

Woody: Me neither, Lollipop wouldn't stop asking for me to do things all day!

Teardrop: Well how about we both take a nap together, you know have some quiet time, just for now?

Woody: Yeah I could really use a good nap.

Soon both of them got into a bed and started to lay down. This is what they wanted to do, just sleep for at least a few hours. Both got comfty and where drifting off to sleep when suddenly.

Lollipop from the hall: OH BITCH BOY, I NEED YOU!

Woody: *Groans* Coming your majesty.

Teardrop: *Sigh* well see hopefully in a little bit Woody.

Woody got up and headed over to Lollipop to see what she need from him.

Hey guys thanks for reading this chapter. Remember to comment below what you thought of this chapter and what you wanna see in the next chapter. But untill then Jellyboi1 out!

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