Chapter 5: It's Getting Worse

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Woody: Yes your majesty?

Lollipop: There you are bitch boy. What took you so long?

Woody: I was trying to go to sleep since I'm tired.

Lollipop then delieverd a devistating slap to Woody's face. The mark she left was all black and purple.

Woody: H-H-Hey w-w-what was that f-for...?


Woody: B-But I was j-j-just tired!


Woody was pissed! So in retaliation, he kicked her really hard. Lollipop was In shock and anger for what Woody just did.'

Lollipop: D-D-Did you just kick me?!

Woody: Y-Yeah! And I'll do it again!

Lollipop was furious and Woody then realized he messed up badly. Lollipop got on top of Woody and started to beat the ever-loving hell out of him. His whole body was all chipped and sore, bruises everywhere and she didn't stop until everyone came out of their rooms, and litterally had to force her off of him. Teardrop was infuriated when she saw this, and desperately wanted to beat the hell out of Lollipop, but she new she can't, cause she was too afraid. So all she could do is confort Woody.

Teardrop: W-Woody what happened?

Woody: L-L-Lollipop, s-s-she beat me...

Teardrop: B-B-But why...?

Woody: Because I k-kicked her a-a-after she s-slapped me, for t-t-trying to go to s-s-sleep...

Teardrop had tears in her eyes as he comfoted him. He hugged him tight as they called a hospital boat for him.


Gelatin had decided to confront Lollipop.

Gelatin: Lollipop, what the hell is wrong with you?! You don't just go around beating up people for no reason!

Lollipop: Calm down Gelatin, he kind of deserved it...

Gelatin: Deserved it?! How?!

Lollipop: He did something terrible to me okay..

Gelatin: Look even if you're telling the truth, you still can't be beating him up.

Lollipop: But what if he deserved it hmm?

Gelatin: Lollipop! I litterelly just told you what was wrong with that.

Lollipop: What's wrong little man? Upset?

Gelatin: *Sigh* Yes...very upset...

Lollipop: Well I know what will make you feel better.

Gelatin: What will...?

Lollipop then picked him up, Gelatin was confused.

Gelatin: Lollipop what are you doing...?


Lollipop then kissed him straight on the lips with some tounge in there too. Gelatin was very flustered and Blushing madly at this.

Gelatin: Ngh~ Lolli...T-That felt good...

Lollipop: *Chuckles* Well do you feel any better?

Gelatin: Lollipop, c-c-can I have more...?

Lollipop: Of course jelly.

They continued to make out and they were both feeling as if they wanted more. So they went on the bed to continue what they were doing. They soon went even deeper and deeper. There was no need for confesions now, it was clear both of them were in love. They were just about to go to the next phase, when all of a sudden.

Flower: *knocks* Hey what are you guys doing in there?

Both of them quickly stopped what they were doing and Lollipop opened the door.

Lollipop: What do you want Flower?

Flower: Well I just wanted to see if something was going on. I heard some noises in here so I just came to see if everything was okay.

Lollipop: Everything is okay alright. Now please go away.

Flower: Okay.

Flower then went back to her room with Ruby.

Ruby: Hey Flower was everything fine over there?

Flower: Yeah everything was fine, I tihnk...

Ruby: Well I was just listening to music, wanna listen to some too?

Flower: Yeah sure why not.

So they both listened to some music together.

(Side note this is the offical theme for this book, also this song bops)


Woody was in the emergancy room and was needing alot of stiches, Teardrop was there with him to comfort him during the entire thing. Woody was in tears as well.

Woody: T-Teardrop...S-S-She beat me...and I don't think I can m-m-move anything...

Teardrop: Woody, I'm so sorry that this happened to you and It's all my fault isn't it...

Woody: T-Teardrop this i-isn't your fault, h-heck it isn't e-e-even my's Lollipop's fault

Teardrop finally realized that they were being pressured by Lollipop, and she also realized that it was time to put an end to this.

Teardrop: Woody...listen to me and listen to me carfully.

Woody: What is i-it T-Teardrop..?

Teardrop: Woody...when we get back to the pirate ship, it's time we take back the ship for ourselves...

Woody: B-B-But what if everyone finds out about our relationship?

Teardrop: Woody, be real, is this even our biggest concern?

Woody: .....I guess your right Teardrop..

Teardrop: Good, so now its time we take back the ship for ourselves.

Hey guys thanks for reading this chapter. Sorry it took a bit longer then my last chapter I was stalling for a bit. Anyway comment below what you want to see for this story? Anyway thanks for reading and until the next chapter, Jellyboi1 out.

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