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(Kindly imagine the sweater as mustard color... I personally feel mustard looks sexy on Baby Gulf.... P.s photo does not belong to me.. neither the characters .. i believe we all know that. please remember this is just a fan fic...)


As the Limo stopped in front of the palace... Gulf didn't wait for Mew ..he just walked out of the Limo and went straight to Mew's Room.. the prince was just following the young man like a lost puppy... a hilarious sight..

As they reached the Royal's room... Gulf closed the door and sat on the bed.. looking straight at the elder...

"So ... lets talk.." - Gulf......

"Ehhh.." - Mew....

" yeah... lets talk about the confession you made .... Your Highness,.... Why do you confuse me??? All these years you avoided me ...didn't even see my face.. now you are back... and you confess your feelings to me.. out of the blue.... What exactly do you want??? What do you want me to do??".. - Gulf.

"Gulf ... I.. I.. love you... I guess I knew it for a long time ..but didn't admit it ....but believe me.... I missed you..every single day since the day I left... I promised Gia to look after you... but I failed in my promise..." -Mew

"So its just a promise you made to my mom... that you took care of me.. its was nothing but obligation.."... gulf was about talk further when Mew cut him off...

"No it was not.. I mean initially it was but seeing you growing up .... Made me feel possessive towards you.... I always used to keep you with me...and after I left I never forgot you.... I know everything about you till today.. and it made me so jealous when I heard you dating men .. women.... I felt like snatching you from the world and keep you to myself... I always thought why I have these feelings ...... if what I feel for you was love then what were those feelings I had for your mother??"

But today seeing you getting cozy with that Prince..( Mew clenched his fists) made my jealousy boil to its extreme.... I realized that when I saw your mother being with your father the feelings were different.. .I just felt sad...but seeing you with that boy made me lose control and I had to take you away.....I can't bear to see you being touched by some other man .... Tonight I realized that y feelings for your mother and you were completely different....... what I felt for your mother ... was mere affection may be because we grew up together and we were best friends,......may be I felt insecure losing my best friend.... But when it comes to you I become territorial... I can't bear to see you in anyone else's arms.... So... (Mew knelt in front of Gulf and looked in his eyes) I am positive that I am in love with you... and has always been in love with you.... Please give me a chance..." - Mew took those slender hands in his broad once and placed it near his heart... "This heart beats only for you baby.... Please accept me... I cant lose you ... all over again... its becoming unbearable for me.... Please babe..."

Listening to Mew's confession... Gulf's mouth was half open... his eyes were watery..... he still cant believe that the his wish came true... the person he loved all these years was finally confessing to him..... Gulf wanted to dance and let the whole world know that Mew is his...but he kept his composure ... and said..

" Fine I will give us a chance....but you have to prove to me that you love me...genuinely..." Gulf said in a stoic voice...

"Yes of course I will ... I will prove to you much I love you Gulf...." Mew said giving out his brightening smile......

"But... we will keep it a secret until I am sure that whatever you feel in from the heart and its towards me Gulf Thiwat and not a replica of Gia Thiwat or as her son... can you promise me that??"

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