Chapter 6 343 Guilty Spark

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The rain stormed over the fog covered marsh as Covenant ran, no. . . fled. . . A Pelican Dropship began to approach it, two Spartans aboard with their AI. . .

Aris: Oh great, swamps. *sighs* I'm going to have to clean my armor up after this.

Athena: Synthetic body for life!

Aris: Can you feel yourself?

Athena: Duh! Code interacts with code.

Aris: Hm. Hey, that reminds me. Cortana said this place was. . . 'Forerunner', what does that mean?

Athena: Forerunner. . . *groans* I hate those guys!

Aris: Uh, what?

Athena: Remember that temple stop Halsey's lab? Back on Reach?

Now, she had to the attention of Aris and the Master Chief. . .

Aris: Yeah, why?

Athena: Well, if you remember, she said it came from an ancient civilization. That civilization is the Forerunners. . .

Chief: Halsey?

Athena: She used that temple to make us.

Aris: If the Forerunners were advanced enough to create that temple, this ring, and everyone on it, where the hell are they?

Athena: As far as I know, extinct. As to how, I really don't care because finding out would require me to hook up with their system, and I'd like to avoid that.

The small avatar hugged herself as an animated shiver flickered through her body.

Aris: Geez, you really don't like those Forerunner guys.

Athena: You have no idea. . .

Chief: Something tells me we're about to get one.

The aircraft began to lower into the marshy terrain, hovering just over a body of water.

Echo 419: The last transmission from the Captain's dropship was from this area. That was over twelve hours ago. When you locate Captain Keyes, radio in, and I'll come pick you up.

Aris: You've got it. Stay safe, Carol!

Echo 419: You too, good luck.

The pilot gave a soft hum. She didn't remember telling the Lieutenant her name. . . The Spartans hopped out of the Pelican and right down into the mud, the rain already splashing onto their armor as their visors brightened just enough for the see through some of the fog.

Aris: Aw damn it, mud already?

Athena: Oh quit whining.

The Spartans immediately came across a downed Pelican, supplies scattered around it. . .

Aris: Athena, scan.

The AI did just that. . . only to see nothing. It wasn't that her scan picked up nothing, it was that her scan DIDN'T work. . .

Athena: What the. . .?

Aris: Athena?

Athena: Something's scrambling my radar. Thermals and motion. . .

Chief: That's not good.

Athena: It isn't. . . Stay on your guard, we're going in blind.

As they neared, a transmission began to play from the ship. . .

Radio: Dropship Victor 933- *static* Pillar of Autumn- *static* need assistance. We are under att- *static* attack by some new kind of hostile-*static* isn't Covenant. *Static* Captain Keyes has been captured by hostiles. *static- dug in at a large structure in a swamp-(static)-We need to pull out. Please- *static* I will set this message to repeat at- *static* regular intervals. Dropship Victor 933, clear.

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