Perfect Strangers

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Welcome to my new fanfiction! This was originally going to be an one-shot but then I was really inspired to write it as a book. Basically, the plot is as follows:

- Faye is a film star who's just about to make herself a career

- Lee and H are her bodyguards 

- Claire works at a bakery and occasionally works as a singer in bars

- Lisa works at a dance/performer school

This will be AU but have some similarities to what Steps has been up to, so once they're founded, this story will feature their songs and stuff too. I hope you enjoy it nevertheless xx


Faye sighs as she opens her eyes, the sunlight creeping through the windows - it immediately made her head hurt. 

Last night she and her boyfriend Travis had been out at a party to promote the new film she's part of and obviously lots of drinks had been consumed. She looks to the side and realised that her boyfriend wasn't even next to her - which could only mean one thing: he went home with someone else. Despite they were a couple, her boyfriend regularly went out with other girls, usually telling Faye that he had to met with important clients. 

That meant that, if she wasn't doing a film or panto, she usually was alone in her suite - with her bodyguards. Faye didn't want bodyguards but Travis, since he also happens to be her manager, insisted on them and gladly she, H and Lee had formed a bond that was closer than just between bodyguards and their protegee. Whenever Travis was 'meeting clients', Faye spent her time with Lee and H. Usually she made up random songs and pretended to be at Wembley, performing for them and giggling as they applauded her. Sometimes they just played cards or they helped Faye with plaiting her her into dozens of little plaits - something Travis considered as ugly. 

"You look like one of these weird pop stars." he often snapped. It was something to which Faye would love to respond 'That's because I want to be a pop star!' - but she decided it's better to keep quiet. It wasn't rare for Travis to shout at her until she cried; likely he could be considered as mentally abusive.

"Faye?" someone whispers. The blonde nods tiredly, being met with the concerned face of her bodyguard H. "Good morning. Should I make you breakfast?" 

"Not hungry." she mumbles. 

"Feeling a bit hungover, huh?" H asks worried as Faye nods. "Okay, I'm getting you a light meal. Travis called and said you can have the day to yourself... well, with us obviously. You feel up to shopping?" 

"Where's he?" Faye asks instead of answering. "He said we go out today." 

"I know Fluffy, but... you know about his clients-" H explains with a sigh. Seeing the look if sadness that reflects on Faye's face, he couldn't help but sigh. He'd met the young girl not long ago when her boyfriend Travis had taken her under his wing. At first Faye had been very shy but soon she became more confident and outgoing - unfortunately she also began drinking more often, also thanks to Travis who drank quite a lot. H had heard their furious, drunken arguments enough times and every time he and his colleague Lee comforted Faye whenever she was sobbing in her room, upset by her boyfriend's words. The house Faye and Travis share is huge and sometimes H did wonder where Travis got that money from. He didn't bother to ask though... he knew all too well how angry he could get. "Come on, let's look through the wardrobe for a pretty dress, shall we?" 


"I take that as an answer." H laughs. "Come on, sit up Fluffy." he says, looking worried as the young girl goes slightly pale. "Oh Fluffy, bless you. You had a little bit too much to drink, didn't you? Well, I always tell Travis that you're too young for drinking - you know, in America you're not even allowed to drink yet!" 

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