The Brit Awards

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To say that the band was nervous would be an understatement. It was time for the Brit Awards and they were nominated as British Breakthrough Act, which was a bit ironic since the band already existed two years but it was fine. Especially because newspapers thought the band had a real chance at winning; so did Pete. 

"I mean... you've got pretty good chances. Most bands in your category are pretty unknown whereas you've published an album and a new song recently-"

"Yeah it's better best forgotten." Faye says. She was happy to be out with the band again because after the concussion from filming their recent music video, she came down with the flu as well and stayed in bed all day, doing nothing but napping. She'd missed lots of events that the band went to, including the musical which caused her to sob all day. She'd been so excited for the musical and instead of going to see it, she was tucked into blankets, just watching random game shows. Pete had looked after her whenever the band was at a show or interview, being worried about the young girl who had a proper fever that seemed to rise each hour, feeling purely rubbish. 

'I want to see the musical' Faye sobs in her feverish state, causing Pete to truly feel sorry for her because he knew about Faye's love for musicals, 'Can't we go and see the musical?'

'Sorry Faye' Claire joins the conversation, 'but you're really unwell. I don't think going to see a musical like that is a good idea. Come in, sit up and drink something and then you'll get some sleep. Your fever has already risen again.'

'My tummy isn't feeling well.' Faye mumbles like a small child. 'Claire, I feel a bit sick.'

Claire knew Faye was honest because whenever she used Claire's actual name, she either was unwell or angry. 'Well it's because you've not been resting enough, your concussion is still present. Please rest a bit now, I promise your tummy will settle once you've had a good lunch because your eating habits recently worry me. We'll be back before you even know it.'

'Yeah I mean such musicals aren't that long.' H nods. 'But they're fun-' he starts, being interrupted by a warning look from Claire. 'Anyway. I promise we'll buy you some merch so it'll feel like you've been there with us okay?'

Apparently Faye felt so rubbish by now that she didn't even care anymore because she just nods, curling up into a ball. The band exchanges a look of worry, thanking Pete for staying with their best friend that day, before heading off to see the musical.

The musical had been lovely though and the rest of the band fairly enjoyed it, missing Faye nevertheless. It just was weird when they weren't together in their usual line-up. Unfortunately journalists saw this as a perfect chance to ask questions, asking if Faye would leave the band. 'Many bands break up at the moment or have a member leaving to pursue a solo career.' they said.

'Well but our Faye won't leave the band. She's still recovering from her concussion and she has the flu and an upset tummy as well so she's currently very unwell' Lee had said. He knew not all journalists were like this but it just annoyed him because if Faye could, she would've come with them... but she cleary looked and was unwell. And they're best friends, they were there to defend each other towards mean people.

Gladly about a week after the musical, Faye finally felt better. Although she'd missed the musical and some other events with the band, she was glad to be at the Brit Awards with them; even if Claire still didn't stop with her caring manner.

"Fluff, have you been eating enough? Drinking enough? Come on, let me check your fever again." Claire says, almost falling over her in the small taxi. 

"Clara, I've got no fever anymore. I'm better. And yes, H and I earlier made our way through the snack bar at the hotel. We had a fair bit of champagner too but we kept it normal because if we win the Brit Award, we shouldn't be drunk and embarrass Pete. I embarrassed myself enough the past weeks." Faye says, referring to how, in her feverish state, she accidentally knocked a plant over in their hotel suite; apologising immediately. "I'm so excited to meet all those cool people! And if we win... gosh... that Brit Award will get a special place in the studio!" 

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