Strictly Come Dancing

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The tour that had followed after Steps' performance at Strictly had been great. Every venue was special and every performance was something that the band would treasure forever. What followed was a summer tour and it had been during that summer tour that Faye had been asked if she'd like to be a contestant at Strictly Come Dancing. 

Hearing that she'd nearly dropped her phone from excitement, but managed to quickly gather herself before replying. It was something she had dreamed of for so long.... being on Strictly, taking part in one of the most popular shows on England. She was stunned, speechless and emotional. But then she had a different thought: Giovanni was still part of the cast and there was a possibility that they could dance together. Obviously Faye didn't want him to ruin her dream of being on Strictly but still... that thought was in the back of her mind when she agreed to take part. She didn't want him to ruin her Strictly dream but the thought of seeing him again definitely didn't made her dance with happiness. 

The upcoming weeks had been full of workouts. She decided that she needed to be fit for Strictly and therefore was exercising nonstop, slightly reducing her meals as well. She'd seen the other celebs, seen how fit they were and how stunning they looked... and she felt like she would look absolutely stupid next to them. Like a talentless- no. She didn't even allow these thoughts. The people on social media were throwing enough hate at her.

'What is she doing at Strictly - she's got dance experience!'

'Why is she taking part on Strictly? She's a literal dancer!'

'She should withdraw. No one wants to see her dancing. She should stick to these silly Steps routines.'

After reading such comments, Faye had angrily thrown her phone on the bed before she just sobbed. She didn't understand why social media was so toxic at times - people literally got hate for just being themselves. She'd been on plenty of shows before and there occasionally had been hate - especially when she was on game shows - but these comments deeply upset her. Sure her family supported her and so did the band; her son even had drawn her a card that read 'Mummy will be queen of Strictly, I'm so proud' and he had drawn the judges holding up a huge crown, drawing random people as well. It was something that truly warms her heart but then the hate comments overwhelmed her and she found herself crying. 

Having hid in her shell for the rest of the afternoon, she only looks up as her husband walks in; him sighing saddened at the sight. "Sweetie, I told you not to listen to the haters." he says, taking a seat. It was obvious Faye had cried and it made him truly sad because he knew that reading the words of online bullies always deeply hurt her. "Hey, come here. I know... you can talk to me if you need to." he assures her, hugging Faye tightly and allowing her to just cry it out for a bit. 

"They don't need had to love me, you know? But they can stay friendly." Faye whispers. "I know I'm not the greatest dancer and just because of some dancing in Steps, I'm no ringer. But people will hate on me nevertheless; either because they think I'll dance well and I don't and ruin it, or because I dance well and get hate for that." 

"Sadly some people are just stupid idiots who hate on people to please themselves." her husband explains. "But sweetie... don't listen to them, please don't beat yourself up. I know it's not always easy to be confident but you wanted to do Strictly for so long... go and have fun, ignore the haters. I'm proud of you no matter what." 

"That's what matters to me." Faye nods. "Making my family proud."

"You already make everyone so proud, sweetie." he assures her. "But sweetie, the way you're currently reducingyour meals isn't good. What have you eaten today?"

Thinking for a moment, Faye replies quietly, "I had a salad earlier today. What?" she asks as her husband frowns.

"That's not really a meal. Sweetie, I get you want to be fit for rehearsals but you're doing yourself no favours by reducing your meals. You've been to the gym the whole day and you deserve to relax. After all you've got a busy schedule ahead with Strictly rehearsals starting next week."

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