Chapter 4

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Start of flashback: (Carlo is just a child)

"Momma!" I shout running up to my mom showing her a rose I picked out for her.

"That's beautiful Carlo." She exclaims crouching down to my eye level. "Can you go pick me up some more and we can make a boutique?"

"Yeah momma." I run back to where I got the Rose and pick as many as I can trying not to get pricked.

End of flashback:

"Momma!" I shout through her bedroom door. "Unlock the door please."

There's a little shuffle behind the door before it cracks open and a very pale old lady comes from behind it.

"Shit, momma." I place a hand on her cheek looking her in the eyes. I push my way inside and she closes the door behind the both of us.

"Do you want a drink?" She rasps, pointing to her mini fridge in the corner of the room.

"No I'm good." I reply and sit down on one of the chairs near her fireplace.

She sits down in the other chair with her back straight, a blanket over her legs, and she stares at the fire crackling as if it's the most fascinating thing in the world.

"I forgive you if that's why you're here." She mumbles after a long silence.

"I'm really sorry." I feel a tear roll down my face as I stare at my very fragile mother.

She looks at me momentarily with tears eyes and a small smile. "It's okay." She whispers. "I'm really sorry."

"Why are you apologising?" I question.

"Killing Rico. I know you could've gotten information out of him. I know. I just... He was acting so careful that night." She whispers looking at me as I listen carefully. "He held my hand Carlo." Her face scrunches up as she tries to stop crying and she shakes her head.

"I thought he was changing, not being home for ages and then suddenly showing up and holding my hand, dancing with me. Dammit he was being respectful to Adelaide." Her voice cracks when she says her name. "But that man was far from changing. Always has been. He used to be kind, he was okay up until I got pregnant and he couldn't use my body."

Tears start to roll down her face. "But obviously I didn't know he was using me until the pregnancy. Carlo, I shot him because he was wasting time. He made a phone call after you left and tried to speak quietly but he can't whisper for shit." She smiles slightly. "He was diverting your attention to him instead of going to her straight away."

I let tears fall down my face as we come back into silence, I lean over the chair and hold her hand. "I'm so fucking sorry. It's just, it got to my head." I sigh. "It hurts." My voice cracks. "Here." I point to my heart and She's now fully crying too.

"I'm missing out on my wife's pregnancy right now. Fuck I don't even know if she's alive." My hands start shaking and she holds one of them with both of hers trying to stop it.

I stare at the fire briefly before looking at her once more. "I miss her smile."

My heart flutters and I smile slightly myself as I think about the way her nose scrunched slightly and she had slight creases on the corners of her lips. Her eyes shone with every smile and laugh.

"I know you do." Mom whispers. "But we're going to get them back." She squeezes my hand.

But what if we don't.

Now that she's gone, I seem to be stuck in the middle.

The middle of feeling nothing and everything at once.

I stare at her a little longer before standing up and making her stand up as well. I fold her blanket and tuck it under my arm, looping her arm with mine.

"Where are we going?" She asks, wiping her tears.

"I want you in the office with me whilst we find Adelaide. I don't want you alone." I wipe my own face and walk out of the bedroom.

Bella runs past and stops immediately when she sees our mom.

"Are you okay mommy?" She asks worriedly, trying to check all over her body in case something bad happened.

Nicola comes running and wraps an arm around Bella's shoulder.

I don't even care if he's our cousin if he touches her one more time I will stab the fucker.

"Carlo's taking me to his office. I'll see you later, okay?" Mom asks.

Bella nods her head and looks at me. "Mom lemme talk to Carlo quickly."

"Just walk that way I'll catch up." I tell mom.

She starts to walk down and Bella punches me harshly in the gut, "Make her cry again Carlo and I'll stab you."

"Got it." I wheeze, surrendering and jog over to mom's side again.

"I mean it Carlo!" Bella shouts from behind us,

I look over my shoulder and she's standing there glaring at me.

"I know." I nod.

She nods her head back and turns back around with Nicola and they both walk down the corridor again.

Carlo : Ti salveró amore mio Where stories live. Discover now