Chapter 14

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"Excuse me miss, have you seen a girl around , yay high." I ask a girl whose sat at a bar and lift my hand up to measure how tall I remember Adelaide being. "She has grey eyes and brown hair."

"No sorry." She smiles and leans forward into me. "Why don't you and me get out of here?"

I stare at her for a second before walking away, "No thanks."

Walking around further into the large crowd the more people get excited for the upcoming fight.

"Don't cry." I hear someone say.


"I'll be back in a second."

I turn my head in every direction, spinning in a small circle. "Amore!?" I shout slightly.

A few people around me stare at me but I ignore them, I push through people trying to find her. I accidentally bump into somebody and they nearly fall onto the floor.

I grab hold of their arm and they wince slightly under my grip. I pull the person up and freeze when I'm met with dull grey eyes and brown wavy hair.


She also pauses when she sees me, I watch as tears fill her eyes but she shakes her head and they disappear. She glances up a level and then around the room at the exits.

"What the fuck." She gasps slightly looking back at me.

My eyes scan her body to look for any wounds and I glance at her stomach. Furrowing my eyebrows I grab her waist and turn her to the side.

Shouldn't she be showing?

She slaps my hands away. She's more skinny than the last time I saw her. "You're so skinny." I whisper to myself.

"I hadn't noticed." She replies sarcastically, but her voice sounds drained.

"Adelaide, you've got to come with me. I can get you out of here, I can try. I'll call for backup. And then we can take you to the hospital and get the baby checked out and ask why you're not showing." I blurt out hurriedly, looking at all of the exits.

"Emilio." She breathes out, but I ignore her and get my phone out. Her small hands go on top of mine and she stops me pressing the dial button. "It's- It's not there." She whispers, looking up once more then back to me.

I pause, "You've already given birth? Was it premature?"

She gives me a look as her eyes fill with tears. I stare at her a little longer before feeling my heart skip a beat and I look down at her stomach again.

"I'm sorry." She sobs and quickly clasps a hand over her mouth. "Don't tell Carlo."

I furrow my eyebrows and feel tears well in my eyes. "Don't fucking apologies." I pull her into a hug and she immediately tenses up leaving her arms at her sides.

"Emilio. Get off." She taps my sides in a rush. "Off. Off. Off."

I quickly pull back but she's looking behind me. I go to look but stop when I hear a voice.

"Why are you holding her?"

The owner of the voice walks next to Adelaide and pulls her into him by her waist. She gives me a look as if to say 'Lie'.

I pretend to look at her weirdly. "Oh. That's my bad." I laugh and slur a little. "I thought I knew her."

The guy, whom I remember in one of the photos as Rye, stares at me looking me up and down and looks off to the side.

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