Chapter 16

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"Carlo, please talk to me." Emilio begs as he runs beside me. I ignore him and walk towards the kitchen to get a glass of water for my mom. "I said I was sorry!"

I turn around suddenly and he walks into me. I glare at him and he looks upset. "You saw my wife and yet you couldn't see if she was pregnant still, or if she had bruises on her, you didn't talk to her, you didn't try to find her when you lost her in the crowd, and you didn't shoot anyone in sight to find her."

He wakes me up just to tell me he lost her in the crowd and came back to tell me.

Fucking idiot.

Emilio gulps and looks anywhere but me, he plays with his rings which is something he does when he's nervous or lying. "Why are you lying Emilio?"

He looks at me and stops playing with his rings, shoving his hands in his pockets. "I'm not. I'm pissed off. You're being a child, we're getting her soon aren't we?"

I turn around, rolling my eyes and carrying on with my walk to the kitchen. When I get there I grab a glass and fill it up with water then put two ice cubes in it. Emilio continues to follow me all the way back to mom's room silently. "Go away." I order, as we stand in front of the door.

"Forgive me and I'll leave."

"Stay here then." I shrug and enter the room closing the door behind me. I hear Emilio huff and then footsteps.

"You need to stop taking your anger out on people." Mom glares at me.

"That's not taking my anger out." I state and hand her the glass.

"Oh son. I didn't raise you to be stupid." She places the glass down and goes back to her small painting she's doing.

"I'm not stupid." I sit down in a chair and she looks at me with a look.

She sighs and looks from the window to her painting trying to mirror it through art. "Adelaide would've been able to make it look exactly like out there." She turns her canvas towards me.

"Well." I look at the light blue dot on it and streaks of other colors around it where she's tried to blend. Then the black scruff of what I think is supposed to be a tree. "It's art?"

She glares at me and throws the canvas over her shoulder without a second glance and grabs a new one.

"Was that necessary? You could've just gone over that in white." I point out.

"You try painting and then come back to me." She mumbles holding her brush at a funny angle with her head tilted back so she's looking through her glasses that are on the top of her nose.

There's a little bit of silence.

"We're getting Adelaide back in two days." I look down at my hands and trace my fingers over my veins and scars, the same way she would to try and calm herself down.

"Gio, told me. I'm painting this for her." She mumbles, concentrating on her painting.

I play with my rings uncomfortable as I have nothing else to say to her.

"You can go now." She mumbles. "Your presence is annoying." She smiles a little at me.

"Thanks." I say sarcastically as she laughs slightly. "See you at dinner." I kiss her forehead and walk out of the room closing the door behind me.

As I go to walk down the hallway I trip and nearly fall over something. Or someone.

"Ouch." Emilio grabs his foot I tripped over. "You fucking idiot that hurt."

I glare at him. "Well why are you sat on the floor in the first place?"

"It's not my fault your fat foot stepped on me. You're like the Big Ugly Giant." He rubs his foot before standing up and straightening out his clothes.

I roll my eyes and carry on walking.

"I'm sorry." He apologises and stands in front of me wrapping his arms around me.

"The fuck are you doing?" I raise my voice slightly and huff in annoyance when he squeezes me harder.

"Hug me back." He mumbles into my neck.

"No. Get off." I push him off me but he hugs me quickly again.

"Hug me back and forgive me then I'll let go."

I slowly wrap my arms around him. "I forgive you." I tap his back a few times and try to move away. "That wasn't the deal."

"I know." He whispers. "You've just never hugged me before."

"What are you two doing?" Bella asks as she steps in front of us so only I can see her.



Emilio and I say at the same time.

I roll my eyes and push him off me, he grins at me and I glare at him before taking Bella's hand in mine. I drag her to the office whilst Emilio continues to follow me.

"Close the door." I order Emilio as we step into the separate office.

I make Bella sit down in my chair and I open up a drawer and bring out a black box, I set it in her lap and lean against the desk.

"What is it?" She asks.

"Open it."

As she opens it I explain, "When we get Adelaide, I want you to be in the van waiting for us. So you will need this." She pulls out the gun I got custom-made for her. The grip has roses all around it and has gold swirls all around it.

"You've got to practise how to use it though, obviously."

She looks at me with a massive grin and hugs me tight. I hug her back and take a deep breath, Emilio wraps his arms around the both of us and I try to move away.

"Just accept it." He mumbles, stroking Bella's and mine's hair.

"Now, see, you've gone too far Emilio."

Bella laughs as I struggle to get free.

"Sh Sh Sh." He shushes me. "You love it."

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