She Died?

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A friendly warning⚠🚫DON'T EXPECT MUCH OK?? I've already finished it and I'm telling you IT'S NOT THAT GOOD! But still don't leave ok? Read it and tell me what you think🙌

Ok you can start now💙
"It hurts, let go! P-Please stop. Why are you doing this to me? What did I do?"

"You did something that cost your life"


"I don't think you need to know but since it's your last moments then very well, I'll tell you"


"You psycho. NOOO!!!"



"Guys. Did-Did you hear what happened to Namtarn?"


"She....she died"

"WHAT?!! Are you sure Papii? How did you know?"

"100 percent sure. I went to the teachers room to submit my assignment to teacher Arm but he wasn't there. When I was about to go back, I saw him running in the hall so I followed him to give him my papers and to know why he looked terrified. I followed him to the principal's office and hid behind the door. There, I heard them saying that yesterday after school hours, Namtarn found dead after falling downstairs. She fell hard on her head and dead right away"

"No-Noway. What should we do? What should I tell Te?"

"What are you guys talking about?"

They turned back and saw the tanned boy, Tay behind them.

"New! Why are you crying?" Tay rushed and held New's face.

"I'm-I'm fine Te"

"Then why are you crying? Did someone do something to you? Did someone bully you?"

" sniff Te I'm really ok"

"Then why are you crying? You two, say something!!" Tay looked at Off and Gun and shouted at them.

"Peng, calm down and sit and we'll tell you" Off said

Tay narrowed his eyes and sat down.

"T-Te, please calm down and listen to me ok? It-It's about Namtarn"

"What about her?"

"She- sniff She died"

".....What are you saying New?"

"I know it's hard on you to hear that your girlfriend is no longer here, but that's the truth Te, I'm sorry"

"I heard teacher Arm talk about it with the principal" Off said.

After hearing what his friends said, Tay stood up and went directly to Arm's office followed by his three friends.

They arrived to his office and without knocking, Tay stormed in.

"Oh, I think people knock first before entering, right Tay Tawan?"

"Is it true? About Namtarn?"

"You knew already?"


"T-Te, calm down please" New held Tay's hand trying to calm him.

" sigh Unfortunately yes, it's true. Namtarn died yesterday"


"She fell downstairs"

"NOWAY. SHE DIDN'T DIE. YOU'RE LYING" Tay shouted with tears flowing down his cheeks and New that was also crying hugged him to soothe him.

"New, I think you should take him home for today" Arm suggested and New nodded.

At Tay's home

"Te, are you ok?"

"New, did she really died? We-We were together just yesterday. We planned on going on a date next week but now....hic"

Tay started crying again and again New hugged him rubbing his back.

After sometime, New went to his house when he made sure that Tay fell asleep.

The next day

"Good morning guys"

"Eh! Te!? Why did you come today? I told your mom to let you rest for today"

"I know, but I'm fine so there's no need for a day off"

"But Te-"

"I'm really ok New. I'm going to buy something to drink. Pink milk for you New right? Peng, Gun, what do you want?"

After taking the other two's orders Tay went to get them.

"Is it normal for someone who's girlfriend died yesterday to act like this?" Gun asked.

"I think he's in shock that's why he's acting normally" Off answered.

"Te" New mumbled.

A: I told you, Pathetic right?😧😅

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