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It's been a month since Namtarn died and Tay was acting normally. If people see him they won't be able to tell that his girlfriend dead not long ago.

"Newww, c'mon let's go"

"Te, wait a bit"

"Weren't you the one who was nagging non-stop saying that you want to go try the new dessert shop? And now you're the one who's making us late"

"It's not my fault that your notes are so messy"

"And it's not my fault that you were sleeping in class"

"Ugghh, that's enough Te. Aaaand I finished. Ok, we can go now"

"I'm not going anymore" Tay said pouting.

"Wha- Tay!"

Tay folded his arms and turned his head away with a pout.

New just stood there staring at Tay's childish behaviour trying to suppress his chuckle.

"sigh muah" New kissed Tay's cheek "Now can we go?" He asked with puppy eyes.

Tay looked at him and smiled "Yes we can"

And with this they held each others hands and went to the shop.

Nope, they are not in a relationship nor lovers. They are just normal childhood bestfriends. Though normal seem a little off coz bestfriends don't act like this right?

But for TayNew it's normal. They've been acting like this ever since they were kids.

Whenever Tay is pouting, sad or angry, New will kiss him(on his cheek) and Tay will get back to his sweet self. And this also work when New do something bad making Tay pissed off. He will just kiss him and Tay will instantly forgive him.

"Pffftt" Tay chuckled

"What?" New asked confused stuffing his mouth with sweets.

"Haha stay still"

Tay got close to New and wiped the cream on his lips with his thumb.

"There you go. Now you're clean"

"I'm always clean" New said and sticked his tongue out at Tay.

This too was normal for them. But what was not normal is what Tay did next.

"Umm New, I'm going to the toilet ok?"

New didn't look at him as he was so busy devouring the cake beneath him and just hummed as an answer.

Tay chuckled and made his way to the toilet.

When he entered he quickly went to the empty cabin and closed the door locking it. Then he rested his back to the door and started licking his thumb gluttonously. The same thumb he wiped the cream from New's lips is now being greedily licked and if he can he would've chooped it off and swallowed it.

"New mmm New ahhh" He moaned out New's name.

"So sweet. If your mouth from outside tasted this sweet then what about the inside? I bet it's heavenly. Uhhhh New, MY New. Shit, I'm hard just by thinking of this."

He was about to jerk off when he heard someone talking.

"Hey, did you see those guys?"

"The ones who were hitting on that pretty boy? Yes. Poor him, he's trying to fight them but pffftt, he's so weak"

"Right? But shit man, he's really pretty. Prettiest than all the girls I've known"


Tay slammed the door open startling the two men outside. He then went to one of them and grabbed his collar.


"E-Eh!" The man was shocked for suddenly being grabbed and shouted at by someone he don't know.


"O-Outside. There-There was a boy who was eating cake and then some men came and started hitting on him"


Tay stormed out the toilet when he made sure they were talking about New.

As he gussed, when he went to their table he saw three men talking to New while New was trying to push them away but the man who was gripping his hand was stronger than him and it seemed that he was hurting him as New was frowning.

Here Tay lost it and rushed to the man and pushed him away roughly.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?" The pushed man shouted.

"IT'S ME WHO SHOULD ASK, WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING TO HIM?" Tay shouted back as he stood infront of New pulling the latter behind him.

"Ohhh, you're with him? I see. Hey man, it's not fair that you got to keep him all to yourself. What do you say on sharing him huh? He looks like a slut and he can serve all of us, right guys?"

The man turned to his fellows and asked them.

"B-Boss! Watch out!!"

"Huh?" He turned back but couldn't see anything because Tay punched him on his face.

"WHAT DID YOU?? SAY IT AGAIN. SAY IT AGAIN IF YOU DON'T WANT TO SEE TOMORROW" Tay shouted as he's now throwing punches on the man's face.

His men tried to help him but Tay glared at them making them pee in their pants. Then he turned back to the boss and continued his punching session.

"Te, that's enough" New said trying to stop Tay but Tay didn't seem to hear him even after calling him several times so New went to Tay and kissed his cheek then hugged him from his back "Te please, that's enough. Let him go"

With this Tay came back to his senses and stood up from the man that is now knocked out with broken teeth. He turned to New and saw tears running down his eyes.

He held his face "Are you ok? Did they hurt you?" Tay asked wiping New's tears away with worry clear on his face.

New shaked his head as a 'No'.

Tay sighed a sigh of relief and smiled softly at New "Should we go home?" He asked and New nodded.

Then Tay held New's hand and went to the cashier to pay but not before kicking the man that was still laying on the floor with his men sitting down beside him horrified.

A: Hehe~🏃🏃🏃

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