Do You Hate Me?

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"Ok everyone, sit down at ONCE!" The teacher entered and without greetings he shouted.

Within a second no one was seen standing.

"Good. Now pay attention here, you see this young boy beside me? He's your new friend" He then looked at the boy "Please introduce yourself"

The new student smiled and nodded "Hello everyone, I'm Kay. I came from the U.S, and I can sing. Please take care of me"

The second he said he's from the U.S and can sing, the girls started squealing.

"The heck is wrong with 'I can sing'? No one even asked him. Looks cocky" Tay whispered to Off.

"No he don't. You're just jealous" Off replaid.

"I'm not!" Tay bawled receiveng a marker on his head.

"Tawan Vihokratana sit down now or go to the principal's office" The teacher exclaimed.

Tay bowed apologetically and sat down.


Tay heard a light chuckle so he turned to the source and saw New looking at him and putting his hands on his mouth trying not to laugh loudly.

Tay was going to make the one who laughed at him pay real bad, but it was New, the only thing he did was staring at him adoringly.

"Ok, you can go and sit in the empty seat beside the clown Tawan"

The teacher's voice pulled Tay out of his trance.


"Yes, beside you. And if you have any objection go tell the principal"

"Huffff" Tay huffed and sat down again.

Now, not only New who was laughing but the whole class.


"That's it for today. Don't forget to do your homework and say the dog ate it ok? I'm talking to you Tawan.
Class dismissed"

"Don't forget to do your homework and say the dog ate it ok? I'm talking to you Tawan?" Tay mimicked the teacher.

"Hahaha, you're funny. Hello Mr.Clown, I'm Kay, nice to meet you" Kay said extending his hand to Tay for a handshake. But Tay slapped his hand away "Firstly, my name is Tay not Clown. Secondly, I wasn't being funny to entertain you. Plus, don't talk to me coz I hate you already"

"Wha- Te!! You can't talk to someone like this" New scolded him.

"I don't care, hmph"

"I'm really sorry about him" New apologized to Kay.

"It's ok, don't worry. are?"

"Ah yes, sorry. I'm New Thitipoom, call me New" New introduced himself with a smile.

"You better not call him at all" Tay mumbled.

New elbowed him"Don't mind him"

"I'm Kay" He said and again extended his hand for a handshake but this time New shaked it.

"Ok that's enough. Let's go" Tay pulled New's hand out of Kay's and dragged him outside the classroom.

"What did just happen? Did I make an enemy in my first day?" Kay mumbled to himself but was answered by Gun.

"If you mean you made Tay an enemy because he was rude and mean to you then this means all of us are his enemies"


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