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"So so? You're planning to surprise him right Tay?"

"Ofcourse Gun, it's his birthday"


"Surprise party"


"His house. I talked to his mom and planned everything with her"

"He don't know anything?"


"Both of you are coming right? It's tonight"

"Definitely Peng"

"What are you doing guys?" New came in.

"N-N-N-NOTHING!!" Tay was SUPER startled.

"Woah, calm down Te, I just asked"

"So-Sorry" Tay smiled awkwardly.

New walked toward Tay and sat beside him then tilted his head close to Tay's and whispered "I........can't wait for the surprise?"

Tay's face flushed red then looked at New "You heard?!!"

"So it's true. I knew you were hiding something"


"Hahahaha" New laughed as he started running away from Tay that was running behind him while their friends were just looking at them enjoying the show infront of them.

At night

"New, since you found out about the surprise go straight to your room and don't come out until I call you, understood?" Tay commanded.


When New went to his room Tay, OffGun and New's mom started preparing.

They finished in an hour. Then Tay went and called New.

"Wooooow guys. Everything is....AMAZING"

"Ofcourse it is, I was the supervisor, what did you expect?" Tay bragged.

"Yeah yeah, thank you Mr.Supervisor"

"Happy birthday baby"

"Mom, thank youuu" New hugged his mom.

"Happy birthday New" OffGun said together.

"Thank you so much guys"

"New, Happpppy birthday" Tay said with a wide smile.

"Te~thank you" New hugged him tightly and Tay ruffled his hair.

"Ok now birthday boy, wait here while I go bring the cake"

New's face lit up after Tay said cake.

"Cake! Where??"

"Haha in the kitchen, I'll go bring it" Tay said and proceeded on walking to the kitchen but was stopped when the door bell rang.

New looked at the others "Did you invite someone else?"

Everyone shook their heads.

"I'll open it" His mom went and opened the door.
"OMG!! You've grown up so much!"

The four boys heard the mom talking to someone, and after sometime she came back with a boy beside her.

"New look who's here!"

"Wha-EARTH!!" New ran toward the boy and hugged him.

"The FUCK?!?" Is what Tay thought. He clinched his fist trying to calm himself from punching the life out of the Earth boy.

"When did you come back?" New asked him.

"A week ago. I wanted to come visit earlier but I had somethings to do, sorry"

"You don't have to be Son. Anyway c'mon, you came on time. We're celebrating New's birthday"

"I know Aunty, that's why I came today. Here New, a gift"

"Eh! You remembered my birthday?"


"Awww thank you" New hugged him again but Tay didn't like what he's watching so he went to them and grabbed New's arm pulling him out of this hug.

"Who is this?" Tay asked glaring at Earth.

"Oh Te. You don't remember him? He's Earth, my cousin. You met him several times when we were kids. He went to New York with his family and came back now"

"Oh really?" Tay said indifferently.

"Anyway, c'mon let's continue the party" Tay dragged New to the dinning room where they were holding the small party.

Tay continued what he was about to do before Earth came. He went to the kitchen, grabbed the cake and went back to the others.

When he went there he saw Earth standing beside New with his hand resting on New's waist.

"Do you really want to die that fast? Fine, have it the way you like" Tay thought and walked to them with an idea in his mind.

He walked closer and closer until he faked slipping and smacked the cake that have 18 lit candles on Earth's face.
"Thank god you got out with slight burn" New's mom that was sitting beside Earth's bed said.

"Riiight mom? I was so shocked when the candles were hanging on your face. Pffft"

"New, don't make fun of me"

"Sorry sorry"

"I'm really sorry Earth. I didn't mean to" Tay apologized.

"To fucking hell man. If I could I would've burnt you to ashes. Just you wait"

"EARTH!!" Someone barged in the room.

"Oops" Earth mumbled.

"Earth! What happened to you?" The boy that entered ignored everyone and went straight and sat beside Earth on the bed.

"Honey I'm fine" Earth said to the boy.

"DON'T SAY YOU'RE FINE WHEN YOU'RE NOT! What happened?! Why do you have those bandages on your face?" The boy caressed Earth's face while sobbing.

"It's just a small accident" Earth wiped the boy's tears away.

"Who's this boy?"

"Oh everyone, this is my boyfriend Mix"

"Fuck. Did he read my mind?"

"Your boyfriend?" New asked.


"Hello Mix I'm New, Earth's cousin"

"Ah, hello"

"And I'm Earth's aunt"

Mix bowed to her.

"I'm so sorry everyone. I just barged in without knocking or greeting anyone. I was really worried about Earth, sorry"

"No no, we understand, you don't have to apologize" New said.

"Hmmm? So he have a boyfriend huh. I think he's not a danger so I'll let him go this time. But he better keep his hand to himself or I'll cut it off"

A: So Tay decided to let Earth off huh. Good for you Earth😸

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