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"Hey Tawan, are you mad? Your friend dead two days ago and here you are laughing?" One of their classmates said to Tay after he saw him playing around and laughing trying to cheer New up.

"What do you expect from Mr.Clown? He didn't even care about his girlfriend's death and you want him to care about his so called friend?" Another classmate spoke up.

"You know what dude? I started to think that he killed them both haha-"

His laughter was cut off when Tay came close to him and whispered in his ear "If you want to follow them say another word"

The boy froze in his place after Tay's threatening and seeing the smirk he had on his face. His friend asked him what he was told but the boy uttered nothing coz he felt that angel of death is waiting for him to open his mouth to take his soul, so he shut his mouth and sat down like a good boy.

Regarding Kay's accident, the police found out that why Kay stopped in the middle of the road suddenly was because his backpack's zipper was open and all his stuff fell down so he unconsciously stopped to pickup his things.

Days later

The boys got back to normal and now Tay and New were walking back to their houses after school, while Off and Gun went on a date.

Yup, Off and Gun are dating.

"Thank you Te for dropping me home"

"New, I told you to stop thanking me all the time. You've been thanking me for 13 years now. Are you not tired?"

"Nope. And I will thank you forever for being a part of my life"

Tay blushed at New's remark.

"I'll go home now, see you tomorr-"

"Newww, hellooo" A girl came out of the house next to New's and greeted him.

"Ah, hello Mint"

"You just came back from school? Oh" She extended her hand and caressed New's hair and smiled "Your hair is a little messy"

"Yeah we just came back"

"New, who is she?" Tay scowled.

"Oh right, Te this is Mint, she moved to the next house with her parents last week. Mint this is Tay, my childhood bestfriend"

Mint walked close to Tay "Hello Tay. I'm Mint"

"Hi" He replied nonchalantly.

"Are you seeing someone?" She suddenly asked Tay.

"None of your business" He answered.

"Wow rude. Perfectly my type. Hey what do you say of hooking up together?" Mint said grabbing Tay's arm in her's pressing it to her breast, biting her lower lip trying to seduce him.

"Look here bitch. If you're looking for a fuck buddy go find him elsewhere. And why the fuck you're biting your lip? Trying to be sexy? You look like everything but sexy" Tay yanked his arm from her grip then turned to New that was barely holding his laughter and ruffled his hair smiling "I'll be going now. See you tomorrow"

"What's with him? Hmph" Mint pouted and went back to her house and clossed the door with a loud thud.

The next day

As yesterday, Tay was dropping New home when they saw two police officers talking to a man and a woman next door.

"What's happening?" Tay asked New.

"It seems that Mint, you remember her right? From yesterday, it seems that she went missing"

"Huh? When?"

"Yesterday. Her parents said that she went out and didn't come back"

"I bet she's in someone's bed right now"

"Te, let's not talk about her like this. Maybe something really bad happened to her"

"I don't care"

"Ah, do you want to come in? Mom missed you"


"Hmmnm mmmm"

"Shuuush. Stop snoring like a pig, bitch"


"I said SLAP SHUT UP!"

"I know you're wondering why? Why did I kidnap you right? It's all because of you. Because of your bitchness. Because you touched something you shouldn't have touched. Something that's not yours. This is your punishment. Blame no one but yourself. You will stay here until you rot"

A: Hmmmm? Who's this?😕😇

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