The Truth

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Ever since Joss came back to TayNew's life he tried a lot of times to talk to New and explain why he left suddenly and that's it's all because of Tay, but New refused. New refused to talk to him or hear him. And even if New wanted to, Tay won't. He's sticking to New all the time.

And Joss knew that even if he told New Tay's truth and how psychotic he is he won't believe him. So he got no other choice but to bring him evidences.

But how? How will he find proofs and evidences? Then he remembered what the students were talking about in his first day.

"They said I'm the third transferred student this semester right? Where's the other two? And what did they mean I'm the next one?"

"Are you ok?" A voice pulled him out of his thoughts.

"Ah are...?"

"Off. I'm Off and this is Gun"

"Hello" The shorter boy smiled at him.


"What were you so immersed in?" Off asked.

"Hey...Off? Is it true that I'm the third transferred student?"


"Where's the other two?"

Off and Gun looked at each other wondering if they should tell him or not.


".....They died" Gun answered.

"WHAT?! Both??"




"Can you please tell me their story with details?"

"...I guess" Off said "The first one is Namtarn. She died after a week from transferring here when she fell downstairs. The second one is Kay. He also died after a week by a car accident"

"Oh. Umm were they close to someone? Did they made friends here or even enemies?"

"They made friends"




"I and Gun built a friendship with them"

"Is there anyone else?"

"Tay and New"

"They were Tay and New's friends?!"

"Yes. We befriended them. Wait, also Namtarn was Tay's girlfriend"



"How? Why? What made them date?"

"Weren't that Tay inlove with New? What happened?!"

"We don't know how that happened too. At first she was interested in New and asked him out and told him to think about it for some time, but before he gave her his answer she announced that she started dating Tay"

"Is it because Tay didn't want New to date her so he got with her to keep her away from New. I think that's the only reason"

"And how did she die again?"

"She fell downstairs"

"Here? In school?"


"Did you see her or knew if someone pushed her on purpose?"

"It happened after school hours when there was no one"

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