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A week went by by Tay thinking of how to get rid of Kay. And at the same time, he stepped on his pride and built a friendship with Kay and made him trust him so when he find an idea he can easily execute it.

He endured seeing the other get close to New and being so friendly with him hardly.

And now the promised day came, he got the idea.

The five boys that are TayNew, OffGun and Kay are in their way home after school.

"What the heck? Why there's a lot of cars? And running fast too?"

"Coz it's a highway Papii"

"And how we're supposed to cross to the other side now? If we step one step in we'll get crashed"


"Ugggh, who the fuck said there's a shortcut here?" Off asked furiously.

All of the them pointed at Tay.

"What? I didn't tell anyone to follow me, it's your fault"

"Youuu-sigh. What now? Should we go back?"

"But it took us a whole hour to come here, we will waste another hour going back now. Let's just continue" Tay suggested.

"We may DIE"

"And we may not, 50/50. Or are you scared Peng?"

"Scared? Who's scared?"


"Me?? Pffftt, noway"

"Then show me"

".....Fiiiine. Gun, let's cross it together"

"Eh! But Papii we will die"

"We won't, believe me. Just hold my hand tightly and never let go ok?"

Gun nodded.

Off and Gun held hands and stood infront of the road watching the cars movement trying to find the right time to jump to the other side. When they finally got it they ran quickely without looking anywhere, just focusing on arriving to their destination. And they did it safely.

"YAHOOOO we did ittt" Off and Gun were celebrating at the other end.

"Shit. My heart slipped to my knees" New said releasing the breathe that he didn't know he was holding.

"Ok, now it's our turn. The three of us will go together" Tay said.

"I'm getting excited" New stated.

The three did the same as what OffGun did. They stood infront of the road and waited for the right time to get through those cars.

When they got it they ran toward where OffGun are. But here Tay was going to carry out his plan.

As the three were crossing the road, Tay planned on pushing Kay on the cars or tripping him without anyone noticing. But his mission failed coz before Tay got to push him, Kay stopped in the middle of the road and as expected, a car hit him and sent him flying to the end of the road.

With this all the cars stopped in their track and the four boys rushed to Kay.

At the hospital

"We're so sorry, we did our best but we lost the patient" The doctor said to Kay's parent.

"NOWAY. MY SON!!" His mother broke out and cried hysterically, the same goes to his father.

And for the boys, they were shocked. Their minds still couldn't comprehend what had happened. They just saw their friend fly infront of them and they saw how he was unrecognizable after the car crashed him. His ribs, neck and back were broken. He also lost most of his blood. This accident was one of hell.

As I said the boys were shocked about the accident but only three of them. The fourth one that is Tay was shocked of something else.

"What did just happen? I planned on killing him but he died alone? Who the hell in their whole mind stop so suddenly infront of cars? Did he know I want to kill him but he didn't want me to turn to a criminal so he decided to end his life by himself?
Wow Kay, you're a real friend.
Wait, this means my mission failled successfully? BUAHAHAHAHA" This was what was going on in Tay's mind at the moment.

A: I hate this chapter coz I wanted Kay to do something big for Tay to hate him even more but my LAZYASS was LAZY😅

Anyway, Kay is out now.
Byebye Kay, you were such a good friend👋

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