The Actual Truth

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Joss opened the basement door and went down but he couldn't see anything as it was so dark.

"New can you turn on the lights please?"


New turned the lights on for Joss to get surprised by what he saw infront of him.

There was someone tied to a chair with blood stained all over the place.

Joss turned to New but was pushed downstairs. He fell and lost conscious.

Some hours later, Joss woke up to find himself also tied up to a chair.

He looked around but there was no presence to New. There was just this girl beside him that was unconsious and in a condition that your enemy don't wish you to go through.

Her nails were pulled out. There was a bald spot in her head. Her face was disfigured from all the wounds and cuts. Blood was flooding from every part of her body. There was even a choking marks on her neck.


"Oh you woke up?" New came in.

"...New...what does this means?"

"What is?"

"STOP PLYING AROUND! Who's this girl and why she's in this condition? Why we're even tied up here in the first place?"

"You can't tell? Look at her carefully. Here, can you tell now?" New pulled her head up from her hair.

"Don't tell me.....MINT?!!"


"Why? Weren't Tay the one who-"

"It got nothing to do with Te Joss. I kidnapped her and locked her up here"


"Because this bitch" New swung her head "Touched something that she's not allowed to touch. She touched my man. She clung onto my man's arm Joss. And she flirted with him right infront of my eyes!! Can you believe this?? And after this what did you expect me to do? Leave her be? Nope nope, she had to pay for her sin"


"Tsk tsk Joss. Don't yell, you're gonna-- Uggh see what your yelling did, our princess woke up. Are you ok princess? Look here, I brought you a friend to have fun with. Aren't I a good kidnapper?"


"Oh Mint. You're yelling at me too? Now I'm SAD!" New slapped her hard knocking her out again.

"Thank god I've put a tape on her mouth or else we would've heard the worst pig snort"

"Don't tell me.....You're the real killer and not Tay!?"

"Bingo again. Yes. I'm the real killer. The real criminal"

"Why did you do that? Why did you kill them?"

"They were in the way of my and Te's happiness. Take Namtarn for an example. She asked me out and when I was gonna reject her she told me she got up with Te. THE FUCK MAN!"

"But it's not her fault that Tay accepted"

"Yup I know. But what did you expect me to do? Kill TE?? Pffftt, there's noway I'd do that. That's why I killed HER. She deserved this. Aaaahh that day. Her face when I was pulling her hair and telling her that Te is only mine, and when I pushed her down was the beeest. You had that face too but your's was more of a confused than scared. But she had that irresistible scared face that make you want to kill her badly"

"What about Kay? What did he do? He wasn't even interested in Tay"

"But he made my baby think that I hate him. Can you believe that he asked me if I started hating him? ME?!! Of all people, ME??! There's no fucking way in the hell I'd hate him. Not even in my dreams I'd think of it. That's why he had to die. Do you know what I did? While we were crossing the road, I opened his bag zipper. And this idiot, Pffftt STOPPED TO PICK HIS STUFF.IN THE MIDDEL.OF A FUCKING.HIGHWAY! HAHAHAHAHAHA"

"New, Where did the angel New go?"

"HAHAHAHA Angel?? This angel you're talking about never existed. I just fooled you all. I've been like this ever since I was born. I used this cute and angelic face of mine to get whatever I wanted"

"Do you think you'll get away after what you did?"

"Ofcourse. No one knows that Namtarn and Kay were killed. They think their life span came to an end. That's it, nothing less nothing more. You and this bitch will stay in here until you rot or until I pitty you and kill you with my bare hands, no other option. If you didn't come back Joss, you might be laying in your bed watching Dark Blue Kiss now. Oh do you know what's this? It's my and Te's favorite show. Maybe I'll make you watch it someday. But we have to watch Kiss and Kiss Me Again first coz they came out first--Oops, off topic hehe. Anyway, that's it, bye Joss. I'm gonna go meet my sweetheart. See you when I feel like giving you a drink and something to eat. Oh, I almost forgot. Here, this tape goes perfectly with the shirt you're wearing. Hehe bye-bye"

Some days later

"Is it true that Joss is missing?" Gun asked.

"Donno. Maybe he went back to Canada? Anyway, guys let's go eat. I'm sooo hungry" New said.

"What do you want to eat babe?" Tay asked New.

"Anything you choose love"

"So you really started dating?"

"Yes Peng. Finally I got what I dreamt of my whole life"

"Stop it Te. You're making me blush"

Tay smiled and pecked New's lips "Love you"

"Love you more Te"

To Be Continued On Season 2

I'm kidding
The End

A: So? What do you think?



There's not even a second book to explain what's gonna happen or if Tay will find out about what New did. All up to YOUR imagination from here.
Though I'd be mad, like HELLA MAD if I was reading a story and the author end it with an open ending😧

But well...

I really hope you enjoyed it even if a little bit😅

With this I'll say goodbye, until we meet again🙌🙇

And THANK YOU SO MUCH for supporting and keeping up with me till the end😍(Tho if you knew this is how it will end you wouldn't have read it right? Pfffttt)

Luv u guys Muah😙😙💙💙💗

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