Escape With The Sun

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I saw the foot descend.
That was enough for the adrenaline to get to my head. I propelled myself forward, striking the intruder on the head, clambering up the iron wall and rolling onto the hard ground. The second I was down, I felt myself rise-running as fast as I could in no particular direction.

All that mattered was to get away from whoever THEY were!

In my panicked state, I tried to find a place to run; to escape. All I saw was large amounts of forest land, with stone walls towering over on all sides. And then I saw it, in the far distance-the huge crack in the stone leading to who knows where. As far as I was concerned, it meant freedom. I heard cries behind me...
"Hey!She's trying to get out of the glade!"
"Stop her before the wall closes!"

I was quickly fading, but found some inner source of strength to go further.
I risked a look back-there were three boys coming after me with frightening speed! My heart started to sink as the sun started to set rapidly over the walls, and my last chance of freedom, the crack, was closing up. I pushed on weakly, hearing the unknowns' shouts get closer by the second.

"Wait!", I heard myself scream at the wall-
And with that, I hit the ground with full force , as someone grabbed my ankle and expertly pinned my arms to my heaving sides.I watched in agony as the wall closed with a sound like thunder, mere feet away...
"Let me go!"
"You freaking douchebag!", I struggled under my captor's weight, getting more hoarse every breath.
Whoever was on top of me finally succeeded in overpowering me, pinning me down completely.
I heard a firm yet gentle male voice, breathing heavily, while whispering in my ear..."Stay calm, no one is going to hurt you-you're in the Glade now, greenie."

That voice.
I know it.
I know him...I remember.
How could I...if I can't even remember my own name...


With that,she once again felt the darkness close in, and she slipped into the soothing calm of unconsciousness.

Let Me Run to YouUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum