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"Where could she go?! She's been here less than 48 hours and already more trouble than she's worth!"
Thomas shot an annoyed glance at the complaining Galley, as they scoured the glade, looking...
Mary hadn't been seen since breakfast-Newt came looking for her about half an hour after she left, to take her on a tour of the area. But, it's like she disappeared off the face of the earth.


It was already late in the day, and the sun had almost finished setting. There had been no sign of Mary all day and everyone was worried.
Newt watched the setting sun, frowning.
"She couldn't have gone into the Maze could she? I mean, the runners never saw her out there-so she just has to be hiding somewhere-" His thoughts were interrupted, as his worse fears were confirmed.
He saw and heard Minho yelling, running with all his might towards the great wall-others were pouring towards the door as well, shouting. Newt started running towards the swarming crowd, causing agonizing pain to shoot up his maimed leg, but he didn't care...if what he thought was happening was happening...he wasn't the one in danger of physical harm right now.


Thomas whirled around as he saw gladers running towards the closing wall.
"Oh no..."
Before Galley could even ask him what was wrong, Thomas was up and running.

"All the runners came back a long time ago-that means..."

Thomas stopped suddenly outside the closing stone gap-his heart going out to the girl in the far distance within the Maze-it was Mary.
She was limping, and she was clutching her head, trembling.
The gladers shouted to her hysterically, telling her she would make it, to keep going...

Thomas and Newt both knew she wouldn't make it.

"Thomas!Don't leave me! Tommy!!!!..."
She's being dragged away from me by men in white lab coats...my terrified little sister...I'm all she has left...I've failed her..."
"Mary!!" I heard myself scream, "I'll find you!I won't forget you!I promise you I-"

She's gone...

Thomas looked up, gasping. It had all been revealed to him in an instant. He saw the same frightened girl in the Maze as in his flashback. His eyes were clouded over with tears-he finally remembered why the greenie seemed so familiar...
"Mary! I'm coming!", Thomas shouted, pushing through the crowd of gladers.

He didn't think-he just ran.

He didn't care that there was less than four feet of stone left open in the gap-he had to get to her.

He felt strong hands grab him-Alby and Minho ganged up on him and he fell.

The last thing he saw through his tear filled eyes, before the gap closed with the mighty connection of stone on stone...his little sister...shivering in the dark void...then falling to the ground.


Newt stared at the closed gap, hardly believing what has just happened.
"Please...no", he whispered
He looked over to see Theresa crying with her head against the wall.

He looked in the distance to where loud shouts were coming from...Thomas getting thrown in the Slammer-for his own good.

Newt closed his eyes...silent tears falling to the ground below.

He remembered the words so frequently repeated by the runners..."No one has ever survived a night in the Maze."

And night descended for all...on both sides of the wall.

Let Me Run to YouUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum