New Discoveries

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Eventually, after several minutes of direction-giving, Newt "herded" Mary towards the dining hall. They both entered at the same time, wheezing and out of breath. To be exact- Mary much more so than Newt, who had a certain sense of dignity regarding his position among the gladers.
Mary could tell they were all watching her, even though the gladers kept talking like nothing new had happened.

Since Newt seemed to have vanished, she glanced around the noisy, packed room, looking for a quiet place to sit.
And then she saw a completely empty table in the corner-she quickly proceeded to move to it, much to the disappointment of certain diners.

Mary sat in silence, staring at her plate as she slowly chewed on a semi-tough biscuit.

"Mind if I join you,newbie?"
Mary looked up to see a smiling Asian boy with perfectly spiked hair. He had one foot raised up on the bench opposite to her side of the table, and he leaned forward in anticipation.
Mary waved her hand nonchalantly, "I can always get up and leave", she said to him.
Instead of looking hurt like she expected, he just smirked at her, "Seems like I have competition in the sass club around here. The name's Minho."
He extended a hand from across the table as he sat down with his meal. Mary shook it doubtfully.
Just as Minho started to say something, both their thoughts were interrupted by someone diving under their table.
"What the-Chuck?!?", Minho exclaimed,
"What are you doing here buddy?"
Mary couldn't help but smile as a young boy with curly hair popped his head out from under the table and grinned at Minho.
The boy winked, "Lets hope Galley doesn't explode when he sees his wet tools-oh hi!", he turned to look at Mary, " must be the greenie! I'm Chuck."
Before anyone could get any further with introductions, a raging Galley stomped into the dining hall, scanning the area for a particular face. Chuck quickly dove back under the table and motioned for Minho and Mary not to point him out.
Mary had to admit that Galley looked pretty funny as his face contorted with anger. After a few minutes, he walked angrily out of the room, knocking an incoming glader over as he stomped out the door. The fallen glader stood up slowly, muttering something under his breath. He grabbed a plate of biscuits, and looked around the room for a place to sit. Minho noticed him, and waved him over. As the unknown glader smiled in recognition, Minho told Mary, "That guy was the second-last greenie to come up in the box before you."
Mary looked at Minho questionably, "Well, who was the last one?"
"Theresa", Minho said absently.
Mary's eyes widened.

She looked down as she felt something pulling at her pant leg. Chuck looked up at her expectantly. "Well?Can I come out now?" She nodded, as Chuck crawled out and plopped himself down next to her.
Mary glanced up and saw the new glader come over to the table and sit beside Minho.
"So much for a quiet breakfast", Mary thought to herself.
She looked up as she heard the newest member of the party speak, "So,you're Mary right?"
Minho answered for her, much to Mary's annoyance, "Yep-which means you've been promoted, shank!"
The other just rolled his eyes, then looked at Mary, "I'm Thomas..."
Then it hit Mary.
The voice.
HIS voice.
It sounded like an older and deeper version of the boy from her dream-the boy who was her brother.
The biscuit in her mouth seemed especially dry all of a sudden; her colour paled and she looked like she was going to be sick.
She was taken out of her trance by an impatient Chuck tugging on her sleeve, "If you wanna go hurl-can I have your biscuits?"
Mary just pushed the plate towards him and got up from the table;with a confused Minho and worried Thomas watching her walk away.
"Did I say something?!?", Thomas asked Minho.
Minho just shrugged and started eating ravinously.
Thomas didn't even notice Chuck sneak some of his biscuits; his thoughts were on the new greenie...he had seen her at the gathering the previous evening...and something was pulling at his mind...pleading for him to remember.

He just wished he knew what it was.

Mary gasped for air as soon as she got outside.
She ran her hand through her hair, letting the soft wind blow through it.
She closed her eyes, sighing loudly.
Why did everything have to be so complicated.

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