I Remember...And I Move On

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A sound like fire.
A room weakly lit by red lights.
I'm lying down...
I can't move at all.
Muted voices coming from behind.
Why won't my mouth open to protest?
My vision...its swimming.
I can't focus clearly on the surrounding faces...all I can clearly distinguish are the white lab coats they're wearing...
They've brought a cyringe towards my right eye...
Why can't I protect myself?
Immersed in excruciating pain...
My eye...what's happening to me?!

I hear someone...a dry, evil voice:
"Your name is Mary...and you are the-"


Her eyes flickered open because of the pain shooting from her wrist;a gasp emitted from her throat.
"Hold it!Hold her down before she does any more damage!Hold it, I said!!"

"Oh look at ya, Fletch! Ya just had to wake the greenie up didn't you?!Now we're gonna have to deal with a bawling shuck faced GIRL!What kind of a med-jack are you?!"

"Oh well, well now MASTER Galley hasn't helped y'know you shuck faced, griever-mating..."

The girl gritted her teeth as she tried to take in the situation-having sufficient problems with that because of the chaos in this small, dark, and slightly claustrophobic hut. She twisted her neck around painfully as she tried to get up.

Which was not a good idea, she soon learned. The moment she sat up the tougher, more scary looking of the two teen boys attending to her injuries roughly shoved her back down.

"And just where do you think you're going, greenie hmmm?"
Even though she was completely confused as to where she was, or if she was even alive, the "greenie" felt quite annoyed at this bully's behaviour.

"Excuse me, but the two of you were arguing so much I wanted to remove myself from wherever this chicken coop is!", she stated in an agitated tone.

The second youth approached, obviously apologetic,"Sorry, but I need you to stay in here until I finish what I started", he said, jabbing a thumb at her crudely wrapped wrist, while glaring at the fuming bully.

"Alright, just make sure she's ready for the Gathering tonight-the greenie needs to be present."
The girl inwardly growled-that cad said greenie like she was an infectious disease."And what on earth is a greenie?!?", she thought.
The other teen sat in front of her as he started systematically binding her agonized wrist.
He chuckled,"I'll have to admit, that was quite the fall you took when you passed out-or should I say-saved from sudden death in the Maze."

He looked up from his task to realize she was just staring at him in a confused manner. He smacked his forehead, "Oh shuck, I forgot you're new here so you probably don't remember anything, let alone..."

She waited for him to finish.
Nothing-he had just trailed off?

She asked him,"It's not likely I remember what?..."

Instead of answering, he just finished tying the wrist's support and started to help her stand up. "Never mind,he grunted, "you'll find out soon enough."

With that "reassuring" statement, he led her to the door of the hut.

And the world that awaited her on the other side was something she had never imagined in her most wonderful dream or worst nightmare...

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