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Morning dawned in the glade, the sun barely visible as it peaked over the maze walls. All eyes were focused intently on the stone door-slowly creeping open. Newt pushed his way to the front of the crowd, and anxiously awaited whatever was on the other side. Galley just shook his head and laughed to himself...
"Stupid idiot...why would he think that greenie would be an exception?"
Minho placed a restraining hand on Newt's shoulder. He removed it immediately when he received a death glare from his friend.
"Hey chill out, I just don't want you getting thrown into the Slammer like Thomas for being stupid okay?"
Newt never answered.
And Minho didn't have a sassy comment for once.
Because right before their very eyes-in front of everyone's eyes...
Stood a girl with a look of utter hatred and defiance stamped on her facial features, a tattered vine hanging from her scratched hand.
And she wasn't the only one out there.
A dead griever that looked like it had been choked laid at her feet-it's sharp, metal legs bent and frazzled.
The crowd of gladers parted in utter amazement as Mary passed through their midst, tottering slightly as she walked.

Newt didn't have any time to react before he hit the dirt with a loud moan; he saw stars as he felt his head connect with a fist; a struggling weight was lifted off him, while he struggled to breathe. Galley held the furious girl in a tight grip, trying not to burst out laughing.
Alby glared at the attacker, "If we ever had time to explain the rules around here to you-you'd realize we should just chuck ya out there again! Harming another glader is a major offence!"
Mary spat in Newt's direction, then hissed, her voice rising into a crescendo, "He's the one who led me out there in the first place! I followed him and I got lost in that...that-"

"Me?! Why the shuck would I do that, eh?!"
Minho steadied the tottering Newt as he shook his pained head, but he was just shaken off.
Newt asked again, stepping towards his accuser, "Eh? Why, greenie?"
"My-name-is NOT greenie, its Mary-get that through your thick, stubborn, brainless-"
Alby waved his arms silencing both of them.
"Alright, alright- you two have some sorting out to do- and you better do it quick, or you'll have bigger problems to think about!Newt, she's your problem- deal with her or she's outta here!"

Newt felt a small tug on his sleeve as he watched Alby usher the gladers back to work. He looked down wearily to see Chuck.
"Hey Newt...sooo...if she ends up...ya know...killing you or something...can I have your canteen?" Newt yanked his arm upwards, causing Chuck to release his grip. Newt didn't see Chuck walk away in a dejected manner, he was too preoccupied by his own, muddled thoughts.

"Ha, so you bully kids too, Newtie?"
Newt crossed his arms and slowly turned to face the smirking girl standing a few feet away. He started to walk towards her.
Every step he took, she took a step back, so that she was always a few feet away from him.
Newt started to pick up speed, his vexation clearly shown on his face.
"You're not making this very easy, Mary-now get back here so we can talk this out!"
Mary stopped walking backwards and ran, yelling behind her as she went.
"You think I'm going to listen to you?! You tried to shucking kill me!"

Newt groaned.

This was going to be a hard nut to crack.
Perhaps too hard.

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